Master of Business Administration
(Two- Year Course)
This programme is designed to train students to become excellent general managers and entrepreneurs with a broad strategic vision. It would strive to combine academic rigour and social relevance and maintain plurality and diversity in form, content and methodology. This full-time two year programme views management and entrepreneurship as integrated processes and helps students develop a holistic view and respond effectively to changes in the economic, technological, cultural and political environments. The programme would teach students not only to see the many sides of a given problem, but also to appreciate the importance of including voices different from their own in every conversation and decision making process.
The programme has a two-tier structure: it consists of a core curriculum (compulsory credit courses), a summer internship (compulsory industry training between first and second year) and elective courses (optional courses in the second year). The first year is committed to developing business fundamentals through compulsory courses spanning the areas of management, entrepreneurship, economics, finance, marketing, operations, systems and organizational behaviour. The second year offers a few core courses and a variety of electives. Each student is required to choose electives in consultation with his/her faculty advisor.
For successful completion of the programme, a student must earn a minimum of 112-credit points during the course of the programme at ABVSME, JNU. It may be noted that this is consistent with UGC regulations.
Semester I
Course Nos. |
Title of Papers |
Credits |
MBA 1101 |
Principles of Management and Organizational Behaviour |
4 |
MBA 1102 |
Managerial Economics |
4 |
MBA 1103 |
Accounting for Managers |
4 |
MBA 1104 |
Marketing Management |
4 |
MBA 1105 |
Quantitative Methods |
4 |
MBA 1106 |
Business Communication |
4 |
MBA 1107 |
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice |
4 |
Total |
28 |
Semester II
Course Nos. |
Title of Papers |
Credits |
MBA 1201 |
Human Resource Management |
4 |
MBA 1202 |
Financial Management |
4 |
MBA 1203 |
Production and Operations Management |
4 |
MBA 1204 |
Management Information System (MIS) |
4 |
MBA 1205 |
Research Methods for Management |
4 |
MBA 1206 |
Legal Aspects of Business |
4 |
MBA 1207 |
Project Selection, Formulation and Appraisal |
4 |
Total |
28 |
Summer Training
At the completion of the first two semesters of the first year and before the commencement of the third semester in the second year, the student is required to undergo summer training in an organisation. A report based on the summer training shall be submitted within six-eight weeks from the commencement of the third semester. After this each student has to make a presentation and the final grade in this course (MBA 1303 in Semester-III which has 4 credits) will be based on both the written report and the presentation.
Semester III
Course Nos. |
Title of Papers |
Credits |
MBA 1301 |
Strategic Management |
4 |
MBA 1302 |
Creativity and Innovation in Entrepreneurship |
4 |
MBA 1303 |
Evaluation of Summer Training Report |
4 |
MBA 1304 |
Research Project on Business Ideas |
4 |
Course number will depend on the elective chosen |
Elective I |
03 papers to be chosen as electives |
4 |
Course number will depend on the elective chosen |
Elective II |
4 |
Course number will depend on the elective chosen |
Elective III |
4 |
Total |
28 |
Semester IV
Course Nos. |
Title of Papers |
Credits |
MBA 1401 |
Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility |
4 |
MBA 1402 |
Environmental Management and Green Marketing |
4 |
MBA 1403 |
Corporate Tax Planning and Management |
4 |
MBA 1404 |
Managing a Growing Business |
4 |
Course number will depend on the elective chosen |
Elective I |
03 papers to be chosen as electives |
4 |
Course number will depend on the elective chosen |
Elective II |
4 |
Course number will depend on the elective chosen |
Elective III |
4 |
Total |
28 |
Elective Courses
Course Nos. |
Title of Papers |
Credits |
MBA El-1001 | Information Technology for Managers | 4 | |
MBA El-1002 | Management Accounting | 4 | |
MBA El-1003 | Statistics and Data Analysis | 4 | |
MBA El-1004 | Business and Law | 4 | |
MBA El-1005 | Basics of Macroeconomics Analysis and Policy | 4 | |
MBA El-1006 | Introduction to International Economics | 4 | |
MBA El-1007 | Oligopoly, Markets and Public Policy | 4 | |
MBA El-1008 | Environmental Economics | 4 | |
MBA El-1009 | Introduction to Business Finance | 4 | |
MBA El-1010 | Basic Econometrics | 4 | |
MBA El-1011 | Leadership and Organisational Behaviour | 4 | |
MBA El-1012 | Themes on Business, Government and Society | 4 | |
MBA El-1013 | Introduction to International Financial System | 4 | |
MBA El-1014 | Indian Economy: Key Issues | 4 | |
MBA El-1015 | Issues in Strategic Management | 4 | |
MBA El-1016 | Simulation in Business Management | 4 | |
MBA El-1017 | Aspects of Strategic Marketing | 4 | |
MBA El-1018 | Topics in Marketing Research | 4 | |
MBA El-1019 | Supply Chain Management | 4 | |
MBA El-1020 | Topics in International Marketing | 4 | |
MBA El-1021 | Customer Relationship Management | 4 | |
MBA El-1022 | Aspects of Financial Derivatives | 4 | |
MBA El-1023 | Portfolio Theory and Management | 4 | |
MBA El-1024 | Topics in Mergers & Acquistions | 4 | |
MBA El-1025 | Topics in Credit and Risk Management | 4 | |
MBA El-1026 | Business and Entrepreneurship within the Indian Economic Environment | 4 | |
MBA El-1027 | Project Appraisal and Finance | 4 |
Semester I
To make the student understand the principles followed and functions performed by management in a business organization and also to understand why employees / people behave as they behave at work place.
Unit I
Management: Meaning and Definition, Scope, Importance, Process, Principles, Functions of Management, Evolution of Management Thought, Social Responsibility of Management.
Unit II
Organizational Behaviour (O.B.): Definition, Nature and Scope of O.B., Contributing Disciplines to O.B., O.B. Process, Models of O.B.
Unit III
Individual Perspective: Personality; Attitudes, Values and Job Satisfaction; Learning; Motivation
Unit IV
Group Dynamics: Group Behaviour; Organizational Conflicts; Job Stress; Communication; Leadership; Power and Politics.
Unit V
Organizational Perspective: Organizational Structure; Organizational Culture; Organizational Change and Development, Quality of Working Life (QWL); International Organizational Behaviour.
Suggested Readings
- Stoner, Freeman & Gilbert, Jr.: Management, Prentice Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi.
- Tripathy & Reddy: Principles of Management, Tata McGraw-Hill Publications, New Delhi.
- Stephen P. Robbins: Organizational Behaviour, Prentice Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi.
- Udai Pareek: Understanding Organizational Behaviour, Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
- S. S. Khanka: Organizational Behaviour: Text and Cases, S. Chand & Company Limited, New Delhi.
To familiarize the students with the fundamental concept and theories of managerial economics and their relevance in day-to-day business decision making
Unit I
Theoretical Perspective: Fundamental Concepts; Significance; Micro versus Macro Economics; Consumer Behaviour: Utility Analysis; Equi-marginal Utility; Indifference Curve; Consumer Equilibrium; Demand Decision: Meaning and Types of Demand; Determinants of Demand; Demand Function; Demand Elasticity; Demand forecasting: Methods of Demand Forecasting; Types of Demand Forecasting
Unit II
Production Decisions: Firm's behaviour in Short and Long Run; Cost: Concepts; Theory; Short-Run and Long-Run Costs; Revenue Functions: Total, Average and Marginal Revenue; Break-Even Analysis
Unit III
Pricing Decisions: Determinants of Price; Pricing under Different Market Conditions; Objectives of Pricing under Different Market Structures: Perfect Competition; Monopoly; Monopolistic Competition; Oligopoly; Equilibrium Determination and Pricing Under Different Market Structures
Unit IV
Pricing Practices and Strategies: Cost-Based Pricing: Cost-plus/Make-up Pricing, Break-even Pricing, Marginal Pricing; Value-Based Pricing; Competition-Based Pricing; Demand-Based Pricing; Pricing Strategies: Price Skimming, Penetration Pricing, Differential Pricing, Promotional Pricing
Unit V
National Indicators: National Income Aggregates and their Measurement; Inflation: Nature and Causes; Fiscal Policy: Taxes and Transfer of Payments, Role of Fiscal Policy; Monetary Policy: Role of Monetary Policy in India, Instruments of Monetary Control; Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization; Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), Balance of Payments
Suggested Readings
- M. Baye: Managerial Economics and Business Strategy, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing
Company Limited, Noida, 2015
- I. Png and D. Lehman: Managerial Economics, Wiley-Blackwell 2007.
- H. L. Ahuja: Managerial Economics: Analysis of Managerial Decision Making, S. Chand and Company Ltd., New Delhi, 2014.
- S. Damodaran: Managerial Economics, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2016.
- Ahluwalia, Montek S.: Macroeconomics and Monetary Policy: Issues for a Reforming Economy, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2003.
- Joshi, Vijay; Little, I.M.D: India's Economic Reforms 1991-2001, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 1996.
To make the students understand the basic concepts of Financial Accounting and preparation of Financial Statements with their analysis.
Unit I
Conceptual Framework of Accounting: Users of Financial Statements; Capital of a Firm; Structure of Business Firms; Objectives of Corporate Financial Reporting; Components of Financial Statements; Accounting Conventions; Qualitative Characteristics of Financial Statements; True and Fair View; and Accounting Policy and Accounting Standards;
Unit II
Accounting Records and Systems: Journal, Cash Book, General Ledger, Trial Balance and Bank Reconciliation Statement; Balance Sheet: Accounting Equation; Balance Sheet Structure; Assets; Current Assets; Non-Current Assets; Classification of Assets; Liabilities; Current Liabilities; Non-Current Liabilities; Secured and Unsecured Liabilities; Classification of Liabilities; Accounting Standards Contingencies and Events Occurring after the Balance Sheet Date (AS-4).
Unit III
Structure of Profit and Loss Account: Nature of Profit and Loss Account; Expenditure and Expenses; Income; Accrual Basis of Accounting; Structure of Profit and Loss Account; Extraordinary Items; Prior-Period Items; Accounting Standards; Net Profit or Loss for the period, prior period items and changes in Accounting Policies (AS 5);
Unit IV
Cash Flow Statements: Preparation of Cash Flow Statement; Presentation of Cash Flow Statement; Operating Activities; Investing Activities; Financing Activities; Foreign Currency Cash Flows; and Analysis; Accounting Standards Cash Flow Statement (AS 3); Inventory Valuation: Definition; General Principles; Inventory Costs; Use of Standard Cost Method and Retail Method; Cost Formulas; and Net Realizable Value (NRV); Accounting Standards; Valuation of Inventories (AS 2)
Unit V
Financial Statements and their Analysis: Legal Requirement relating to preparation of Financial Statements of Companies (including Schedule VI of the Companies Act); Note to the Accounts and Significant Account Policies and other Financial Reports and the contents of Annual Report; Analysis of Financial Statements: Introduction; Accounting Policy and Quality of Earning; Earnings Management; Potential Red Flags; Common-size Financial Statement; Ratio Analysis: Measurement of Overall Performance of a Firm; Solvency and Liquidity; Ratios at a Glance; Uses of Ratios for Internal Management
Suggested Readings
- R. N. Anthony: Essentials of Financial Accounting, PHI Learning, Delhi, 2013
- Robert N. Anthony, David F. Hawkins, Kenneth A. Merchant : Accounting Text & Cases, Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi, 2003
- G. Foster: Financial Statements Analysis, PHI Learning, Delhi, 2013
- Ashish K. Bhattacharya: Financial Accounting for Business Managers, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, 2006
- R. Narayanaswamy: Financial Accounting : A Managerial Perspective, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2002
- Ambrish Gupta: Financial Accounting for Management, Pearson Education, Noida, 2005
To develop an understanding of the underlying concepts, strategies and issues involved in managing the marketing efforts of a business organization.
Unit I
Introduction to Marketing: Nature and Scope of Marketing, Marketing Concepts, Marketing Philosophies, Customer Value, Holistic Marketing; Marketing Environment: Environmental monitoring, Understanding the impact of Macro and Micro environment on Marketing, Global Marketing; Emerging Fields of Marketing: Green Marketing, Digital Marketing, Viral Marketing, Neuro Marketing
Unit II
Identifying and Selecting Markets: Consumer Buying Behaviour, Organizational Buying Behaviour, Market Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning, Marketing Research and Market Information; Strategic Marketing Planning Process: Competitor Analysis, Marketing Warfare Strategies, Marketing Planning Process
Unit III
Product Mix Strategies: Product, Planning and Development, Product Life Cycle, New Product Development, Brands, Packaging and Labelling.
Unit IV
Pricing Strategies: Setting Price, Factors influencing Price Determination; Channels of Distribution: Designing Distribution Channels, Managing Conflicts and Controls in Channels, Retailing, Wholesaling and Logistics, Impact of Technology and Internet on Distribution
Unit V
Promotion Decisions: Role of Promotion in Marketing, Integrated Marketing Communication, Determining Promotional Mix, Advertising, Sales Promotion, Public Relations, Personal Selling and Sales Management, Impact of Technology and Internet on Promotion
Suggested Readings
- Etzel, M. J., Bruce, J., W., Stanton, W. J., & Pandit, A.: Marketing (14th ed.), Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2010
- Kotler, P., Keller, K., Koshy, L., & Jha, M.: Marketing Management: A South Asian Perspective (13th ed.), New Delhi: Pearson, Noida, 2009
- 3. Perrault. W.D (Jr.), Cannon, J.P., & McCarthy, E.J.: Basic Marketing, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2010
- 4. Ramaswamy, V. S., & Namakumari, S.. Marketing Management: Global Perspective Indian Context (4th ed.). New Delhi: Macmillan. New Delhi, 2009
- 5. Saxena, R.: Marketing Management (4th ed.). Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2009
To make the students familiar with the basic statistical and linear programming techniques and enable them to apply relevant quantitative tools in business decision making.
Unit I
Probability Theory: Discrete Probability Distributions, Binomial, Poisson and Hyper geometric distribution; Continuous Probability Distributions: Normal, Lognormal and Exponential distribution;
Unit II
Sampling: Sampling and Sampling distribution; Statistical inference: Estimation for single population parameters, Hypothesis testing for single population, Hypothesis testing for two population;
Unit III
Variance: Analysis of variance and Design of experiments, Hypothesis testing for Categorical data; Correlation and Regression Analysis, Non-parametric Tests. Business Forecasting.
Unit IV
Linear Programming: Basic concepts, Model formulation, Solution methods, Duality, Sensitivity analysis; Integer linear Programming: Different types of integer programming problems (Pure integer, Mixed integer and 0-1 integer problems), Formulating integer programming problems, Solution through Branch and Bound algorithm.
Unit V
Software Packages: Students will be exposed to relevant software packages as part of the curriculum.
Suggested Readings
- K. Black: Business Statistics for Contemporary Decision Making (5th ed.), Wiley India, New Delhi, 2008.
- R. L. Levin and D. S. Rubin:. Statistics for Management (7th ed.). New Delhi: Prentice HalI of India, New Delhi, 1999.
- Webster: Applied Statistics for Business and Economics (3rd ed.), McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2006..
- S. P. Gupta and M. P. Gupta:. Business Statistics, Delhi: Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi, 2015.
- H. A. Taha: Operations Research: An Introduction (8th ed.), Delhi: Pearson Education, Delhi, 2007.
To develop skills and competencies in students to enable them to effectively communicate through the written and oral medium with others to seek their willing cooperation.
Unit I
Introduction: Conceptual Issues in Communication, Communication Process, S-R Model of Communication; Facilitators and Barriers to Effective Communication, Principles of Effective Communication, 7 C’s of Communication, Role of Communication in Business
Unit II
Media of Communication: Verbal and Non-verbal Communication, Oral Communication, Face of Face Communication, Visual Communication, Audio-Visual Communication Skills, Formal Communication and Informal Communication, Intra and Inter-Personal Communication,
Unit III
Formal Communication: Making Effective Presentations, Meeting, Interview, Listening; Negotiating for Business: Strategy and Tactics, Legal Aspects of Business Communication, Global Business Etiquette and Cross Cultural Communication.
Unit IV
Business Writing Skills: The Importance of Skilful Business Writing, Deductive, Inductive and AIDA Approach to Writing Business Letters, Writing for Inquiries, Claims, Invitations, Reservations and Orders, Refusal and Collection Letters, Inter-Office Memos, Resume Writing and Recommendations, Essentials of Good Reports, Classification of Reports,
Unit V
Report Writing: Meaning and Significance; Structure of Reports: Negative, Persuasive and Special Reporting; Informal Reports: Proposals; Formal Reports; Organization of Press Report.
Suggested Readings
- Meenakshi Raman: Business Communication, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2014
- Bovee Thill and Schatzman: Business Communication Today, Pearson Education, Noida, 2015
- Mohan: Developing Communication Skills, McMillan, New Delhi, 2012
- H. A. Murphy and W. Hildebrandt: Effective Business Communications, McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2007
- P. Post and P. P. Collins: The Etiquette Advantage in Business (2nd ed.), Harper Resource, New York, 2005
- J. Thill and C. L. Bovee: Excellence in Business Communication (9th ed.), Prentice Hall, Michigan, 2010
To familiarize the students with the prerequisites to become an entrepreneur and start a business enterprise.
Unit 1
Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship:
Meaning and Definitions of Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurship Development, Theories of Entrepreneurship, Evolution of Entrepreneurship in India, Role of Entrepreneurship in Indian Economy, Factors Influencing Entrepreneurship Development, Problems in Entrepreneurship Development in India
Unit II
Entrepreneur: Entrepreneurial Characteristics, Entrepreneurial Competencies, Entrepreneurial Motivation, Entrepreneurial Mobility, Concept of Intrapreneur, Difference between Entrepreneur and Intrapreneur, Difference between Entrepreneur and Manager
Unit III
Entrepreneurship Development Programmes (EDPs): EDP: Its Meaning, Need, and Objectives; EDPs in India in Historical Perspective,; Course Contents and Curriculum of EDPs; Phases of EDPs; Evaluation of EDPs; Problems of EDPs
Unit IV
Start Up: Definition of Small Enterprise, Rationale behind Developing Small Enterprises, Ownership Forms, Project Identification and Selection, Preparation of Business Plan / Project, Project Appraisal
Unit V
Institutional Support: Institutional Finance to Entrepreneurs, Lease Financing and Hire-Purchase, Institutional Support to Entrepreneurs, Taxation Benefits to Small-Scale Enterprises, Government Policy for Small-Scale Enterprises
Suggested Readings
- Marc Dollinger: Entrepreneurship: Strategies and Resources, Pearson Education, Noida, 2016
- Robert D. Hishrich and Michael P. Peters: Entrepreneurship, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing , 2009
- D. F. Kuratko and T. V. Rao: Entrepreneurship: A South-Asian Perspective, Cengage Learning, Delhi, 2016
- Thomas W. Zimmerer and Norman M. Scarborough: Essentials of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, PHI Learning, Delhi, 2015
- Rajeev Roy: Entrepreneurship, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2011
- S. S. Khanka: Entrepreneurial Development, S. Chand & Company Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2016.
Semester II
To make the students understand the issues involved in ensuring the availability of required type and quantity of employees at required time to extract the best and maximum from the employees to achieve the organizational goals effectively.
Unit I
Introduction: Meaning of HRM, Difference between HRM and Personnel Management (PM); Evolution and Development of the Field of HRM; Role of Human Resource Management in a Competitive Business Environment; Strategic Human Resource Management.
Unit II
Acquisition: Human Resource Planning; Job Analysis and Design; Recruitment, Selection, and Induction.
Unit III
Development: Career Planning and Development; Employee Training, Executive Development; Internal Mobility and Separation.
Unit IV
Maintenance: Job Evaluation, Wage and Salary Administration; Incentives; Motivation; Workers’ Participation in Management; Employee Discipline and Grievance; Industrial Disputes; Industrial Relations; Trade Unions; Collective Bargaining; Performance and Potential Appraisal.
Unit V
Control: Personnel Research and Audit; Human Resource Accounting; Human Resource Information System; Managing Generation – Y Employees; International Human Resource Management.
Suggested Readings
- G. Dessler and B. Varkkey: Human Resource Management, Pearson Education, Delhi, 2016.
- John M. Ivancevich: Human Resource Management, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, 2014
- D. Torrington: Human Resource Management, Pearson Education, Delhi, 2014.
To help the students in developing skills related to basic principles, tools and techniques of financial management.
Unit I
Concept of Finance: Scope and Objectives of Finance, Functions of Financial Management, Role of Finance Manager, Financial Planning and Strategies, Shareholders Value and its Calculation, EVA/VAR, Financial Reengineering, Derivatives
Unit II
Concept and Principles of Capital Structure: Leverage Analysis – Operating, Financial and Combined Leverage and its Implications, Long-term Sources of Fund: Equity Share, Preference Shares, Debentures, Bonds, Warrants, Venture Capital and Ploughing Back of Profits. Short-term Sources of Funds: Commercial Paper, Certificate of Deposit, Treasury Bills.
Unit III
Financial Markets: Nature and Significance of Primary and Secondary Markets, Objectives and Functions., Indices of BSE, NSE and OTCEI and its Calculation. Financial Institutions: Nature, Types and Functions, Investment Bank, Investment Companies, Commercial Banks.
Unit IV
Time Value of Money: Risk and Return Analysis, Concept and Significance of Cost of Capital and its Computation, Concept and Significance of Capital Budgeting, Appraisal Techniques for Risk Free Projects.
Unit V
Working Capital Management: Meaning, Significance and Factors Influencing the Level of working Capital Management, Management of Cash, Receivables and Inventory, Credit Management, Working Capital Financing.
Suggested Readings
- V. Horne: Fundamentals of Financial Management, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 20015
- E. F. Brigham and J. F. Houston: Fundamentals of Financial Management, Thomson, USA, 2014
- E. F. Brigham: Financial Management: Theory and Practice, Cengage Publication, Delhi, 2017
- V. K. Bhalla: Financial Management, Anmol Publications, New Delhi, 2016.
- P. Chandra: Financial Management, Mc-Graw Hill Publishing Company Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2016
- I. M. Pandey: Financial Management, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi, 2016
To familiarize the students with decision making in planning, scheduling, control and productivity improvement in production function of a manufactories organization.
Unit 1
Fundamentals: Nature, Evolution and Scope of Production and Operations Management, Interface with Marketing, Finance, Strategy; Production Management Vs Operations Management
Unit II
Plant Location and Design: Factors Governing the Location of a Plant, Different Types of Plant Layout, Principles of Materials Handling, Materials Handling Equipment Selection and the Uses, Flow Strategies and Process Design.
Unit III
Operations Planning and Control: Aggregate Production Planning, Master Production Scheduling (MPS), Materials Requirement Planning (MRP), Capacity Requirements Planning (CRP), Distribution Resource Planning (DRP), Emerging Power of ERP; Loading, Sequencing, Routing, Scheduling, Dispatching and Expediting, Line Balancing. Cycle-Time Management (CTM), Just-in-Time Delivery (JIT)
Unit IV
Operations Process and Process System Designs: Operations Strategy and Decisions; Quality Assurance; Total Quality Management; Statistical Quality Control, Statistical Process Control; Six Sigma Methodology, ISO-Certification.
Unit V
Inventory Management: Models and Applications, Introduction to Contemporary Productivity Improvement Techniques/systems like TPM, MRP, JIT, Scheduling
Suggested Readings
- M. M. Davis, N. J. Acquilano and R. B. Chase: Fundamentals of Operations Management, McGraw- Hill, New York, 2011
- N. Gaither and G. Frazier: Operations Management, Thomson South –Western, USA, 2009
C. C. Bozarth and R. B. Handfield: Introduction to Operation and Supply Chain Management, Pearson Education, Delhi, 2015
- S. N. Chary: Production and Operations Management, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company: New Delhi , 5th Edition, 2012.
To help students understand the importance of information technology in creating sustainable competitive advantage in the competitive business environment.
Unit I
Fundamentals: Data Organization Issues; Database Management System and SQL; Emerging Technology Issues and Data Processing in Organizations; Fundamentals of Data Warehouse and Data Mining for Decision Support; Decision Making and Management Information System (MIS).
Unit II
IT for Competitive Advantage: Role of Internet and Emerging Technologies; IT Enabled Services; Seamless Organizations; Virtual Corporations; Web Enabled Computing as a Strategic Tool; Outsourcing as a Strategic Alternative; International Information Systems.
Unit III
Computer Based Information Systems: Office Automation Systems; Transaction Processing Systems; Management Information Systems; Decision Support Systems; Group Decision Support Systems; Executive Information Systems. Artificial Intelligence Based Systems such as Expert Systems; End User Computing; Distributed Data Processing.
Unit IV
IT Architecture: Information Infrastructure; Legal Issues and National Information Infrastructure.; Structured Systems Analysis; System Development; System Development Life Cycle; Prototyping, Quality Assurance and Evaluation of Information Systems
Unit V
Applications of MIS: Cases on Strategic Use of MIS in Different Industries; ERP; CRM and SCM; MIS for Leadership and Strategic Planning; Re-engineering Work Processes for MIS Application.
Suggested Readings
- G. B. Davis and M. H. Olson: Management Information System, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2011.
- W. S. Jawadekar: Management Information System: Text and Cases, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2008.
- O. Z. Effy: Management Information Systems, Cengage Learning, USA. 2009
- K. C. Laudon and J. P. Laudon: Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm, Pearson Education, Delhi, 2014
- C. S. V. Murty: Management Information System: Text, Cases and Applications, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai, 2014.
- S. Mohapatra:. Cases in Management Information System, PHI Learning Private Limited, New Delhi, 2009.
To make students conversant with the procedure, techniques, and tools to conduct research to facilitate management in decision making activity.
Unit I
Introduction to Research: Introduction to Research and Statistics: Role of Research in Business, Value of Information, Cost of Information, Decision to Conduct Research, Research Design, Types of Research, Research Process
Unit II
Sources of Data: Sources of Secondary Data, Scales of Measurement, Validity and Reliability.
Unit III
Primary Data Collection: Observation and Its Different Types, Selection of Method of Data Collection, Qualitative Research Methods: Focus Group, Behaviour Mapping, Consumer Journey, Delphi Study, Extreme Users’ Interview, Quantitative Research Methods: Various Types of Interviews: Mail Interview, Person to Person Interviews, Telephonic Interviews. Data collection using Electronic Interface like the Internet, Pilot Survey and Its Conduct , Components and Design of Questionnaire, Open ended question Vs. Multiple choice questions
Unit IV
Sampling: Population Defined, Sampling Frame, Sampling Vs. Census, Steps in Selecting a Sample. Types of Sampling Methods: Probabilistic: Simple Random Sampling Stratified Random Sampling, Cluster Sampling. Non-Probabilistic: Convenience Sampling, Judgment Sampling and Quota Sampling, Determination of Sample Size,. Concepts of Errors in Research - Sampling and Non-Sampling Errors and Measures to Reduce Errors.
Unit V
Data Analysis and Reporting: Introduction to Data Analysis, Introduction to SPSS Package. Data Processing: Editing, Coding, Decoding, and Data Entry Hypothesis Formulation. Hypothesis Testing, Type I Error, Type II Error Univariate Data Analysis Techniques: t-Test (independent sample t- Test, One Sample t-Test) Bivariate Data Analysis Techniques: Chi Square, Z- Test for Difference between Means, Paired Sample, Introduction to Multivariate Data Analysis Techniques, Research Report Writing, The Format, Bibliography.
Suggested Readings
- N. K. Malhotra: Marketing Research: An Applied Orientation, Prentice Hall, Delhi, 2007.
- R. I. Levin and D. S. Rubin: Statistics for Management, Pearson Education, Delhi, 1994
- C. Donald, P. Schindler and J. K. Sharma:. Business Research Methods, (12th Ed.), McGraw Hill Education, New Delhi, 2014
- K. N. Malhotra, and D. Satyabhushan: Marketing Research, Pearson Education, Delhi, 2015
- Alan Bryman, Bell Emma (2015), Business Research Methods, Oxford University Press, Delhi, 2015
- S. Mark, L. Philip, and T. Adrian: Research Method for Business Student, Pearson Education, Delhi, 2011.
- H. F. Joseph, B. C. William, B. J. Babin and A. E. Rolph:. Multivariate Data Analysis,, Pearson Education, Delhi, 2015.
To familiarize the students about the legal framework under which a business has to operate.
Unit I
Business Legislation: Meaning and Nature of Law, Sources of Indian Law, Legal Environment of Business, Mercantile Law, Some Basic Legal Concepts, Essentials of Law, Indian Legal System, Introduction of Indian Legal Framework.
Unit II
Indian Contract Act, 1872 and Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881: Concept of Agreement, Contract, Formation of a Contract, Essential of a Valid Contract, Offer and Acceptance, Consideration, Discharge of Contract, Remedies for Breach of Contract, Special Contracts, Cases on Indian Contract Act, 1872. Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881: Meaning and Essential Features, Types, Discharge and Liabilities, Dishonor of Negotiable Instruments.
Unit III
Companies Act 2013: Meaning and Essential Features of Company, Types of Companies, Formation of Company, Memorandum and Articles of Association, Prospectus; Company Meetings; Company Management: Directors and Independent Directors, Responsibilities, Appointment and Liabilities of Directors; One Person Company.
Unit IV
Sales of Goods Act and Competition Law: Sales of Goods Act, 1930-Meaning and Essential Elements of Contract of Sale, Meaning of Goods, Conditions and Warranties, Implied Conditions and Warranties, Rights of unpaid seller. Competition Act 2002: Objective, Anti Competitive Agreements, Abuse of Dominant Position, Regulation of Combinations, Competition Commission of India.
Unit V
Consumer Protection Act, 1986 and Information Technology Act, 2000: The Consumer Protection Act, 1986, Definitions of Consumer, Complainant, Goods, Service - Meaning of Consumer Dispute, Complaint - Unfair Trade Practices - Restrictive Trade Practices, Rights of Consumers, Consumer Disputes Redressal Agencies, The Information Technology Act, 2000, Digital Signature, Digital Signature Certificate, Electronic Governance, Electronic Records, Certifying Authorities, Penalty & Adjudication.
Suggested Readings
- M. C. Khuchhal and V. Khuchhal:. Business and Corporate Law, Vikas Publishing, New Delhi, 2014
- N. D. Kapoor: Business Laws, Sultan Chand and Sons, New Delhi, 2015
- L. Thomas-Mobley: Legal Concepts for Facility Managers, Wiley Publications, 2014
- S. S. Gulshan: Business Law, Excel books, New Delhi, 2015
- P. K. Padhi: Labour and Industrial Laws, PHI Learning, Delhi, 2015
To familiarize the students with procedure involved in selection of a business idea / project, preparation of business project and its appraisal.
Unit I
Business Idea Generation: Need for Business Idea Generation, Sources of Idea Generation: Consumers, Existing Products and Services, Distribution Channels, Government, Research and Development; Methods of Generating Ideas: Focus Groups, Brainstorming, Problem Inventory Analysis
Unit II
Opportunity Selection: Methods of Opportunity Selection: Cost-Benefit Analysis, SWOT Analysis,
Unit III
Project Formulation: Meaning of a Business Project, Need for Formulation of Business Project, Contents of Business Project: General Information, Project Description. Market Potential, Capital Costs and Sources of Finance Assessment of Working Capital requirements, Other Financial Aspects, Economic and Social Variables, Project Implementation.
Unit IV
Project Appraisal: Concept of Project Appraisal, Need for and Significance of Project Appraisal, Methods of Project Appraisal: Economic Analysis, Financial Analysis, Market Analysis, Technical Feasibility, Managerial Competence.
Unit V
Ownership Form: Meaning of Ownership Form, Need for Selecting Ownership Form, Forms of Ownership Forms with Their Relative Merits and Demerits: Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, Company, Co-operative; Selection of an Appropriate Form of Ownership; Ownership Pattern in Micro and Small-Scale Enterprises (MSMEs) in India
Suggested Readings
A. Bhide: The Origin and Evolution of New Businesses, USA: Oxford University Press, USA, 1999.
R. D. Hisrich, M. P. Peters and D. A. Shepherd: Entrepreneurship, McGraw-Hill / Irwin, New York, 2013.
D. F. Kuratko and R. M. Hodgetts: Entrepreneurship: Theory, Process, Practice, South Western/ Thomson Learning, USA, 2007.
J. Kaplan: Patterns of Entrepreneurship, Wiley, India, 2015.
S. S. Khanka: Entrepreneurial Development, S. Chand and Company Ltd, New Delhi, 2016.
Rajeev Roy: Entrepreneurship, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2011.
Summer Training
At the completion of the first two semesters of the first year and before the commencement of the third semester in the second year the student is required to undergo summer training in an organisation. A report based on the summer training shall be submitted within six weeks from the commencement of the third semester. After this each student has to make a presentation and the final grade in this course (MBA 1303 in Semester-III which has 4 credits) will be based on both the written report and the presentation
Semester III
To make the students understand the key aspects relating to the process involved in preparation and the manner of implementation of a business strategy.
Unit I
Introduction: Concept of Strategy; The Link between Strategic Analysis and Strategic Management, Interdependence of Strategic Analysis, Strategic Choice and Strategy Implementation, Feedback Lops, Strategic Management Process; Strategic Decision Making.
Unit II
Strategy Identification: Vision Mission, Goals and Objectives, External Environmental Analysis; Analysing Companies Resource in Competitive Position; Strategy Models, SWOT Analysis. Competitive Analysis, PESTEL Analysis. Strategies for competing in Global Markets; Strategic Analysis and Choice – BCG, GE, Directional Policy and Hofer’s Matrices;
Unit III
Strategy Formulation: Porter’s Generic Strategies, Grand Strategies. Strategic Alliances, External Environment, Scenario of Competition and Niche Market. Value Chain Analysis: Market Competition, IncuMBAncy Advantage, Creating and Capturing Value in the Chain.
Unit IV
Strategy Implementation: Resource Allocation; Structural Considerations and Organisational Design, Aligning Strategy, Structure and Process, Culture and Values, Management of Strategic Change,
Unit V
Strategy Evaluation: Need for and Importance of Strategic Evaluation; Evaluation Methods, Reasons for and Popularity of Acquisitions and Mergers, Problems Involved in Acquisition Process, Essentials for Successful Acquisition
Suggested Readings
- M. A. Hitt, R. D. Ireland and R. E. Hoskisson: Strategic Management: Concepts, Competitiveness and Globalization, Cengage Learning, 2015
- F. David: Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2011
- A. A. Thomson A. J. Strickland: Strategic Management – Concept and Cases, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi, 2002
- Azhar Kazmi: Business Policy and Strategic Management, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi, 2014
- R. M. Srivastava : Business Policy and Strategic Management, Himalaya Publishing House, Bombay, 2015
To make the student familiar with the need for and significance of creativity and innovation in entrepreneurship development.
Unit I
Creativity: Meaning, Process, Roles and Importance; Creative Thinking, Prerequisites of Creative Thinking: Having a vision Setting the right attitude Avoiding mindsets Risk taking Individual and team work, Valuing Diversity in Thinking, Creativity Styles
Unit II
Innovation: Meaning and Importance of Innovation, Difference between Invention and Innovation, Core Innovation Concepts: Incremental, Modular; Discontinuous, Sources of Innovation: New Markets; New Technologies; New Political Rules; Change in Sentiments or Behaviours; Changes in the Business Models.
Unit III
Types of Innovation: Radical or Disruptive, Incremental and Open Innovation, Difference between Radical and Incremental Innovation; Effect of Disruptive and Incremental Innovations on the Entrepreneurial Process; Concept of Open Innovation, Dynamics of Open Innovation, Impact of Open Innovation.
Unit IV
Nurturing and Managing Innovation: Conditions for Effective Innovation: At Micro/Organisational Level – (i) Incentives for Innovating; (ii) Internal Policy; (iii) Organisational Culture; At Macro/National Level - Policy Development for Social, Political, Economic, Environmental, Cultural and Ethical Aspects of Business
Unit V
Methods of Protecting Innovation and Creativity: Intellectual Property Rights, Branding, Trademarks, Patents, Copyrights, Registered Design Protection, Trade Secrets.
Suggested Readings
- S. Mariotti and Towle Toni: Entrepreneurship: How to Start and Operate a Small Business, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2011.
- N. M. Scarborough: Essentials of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2011.
- E. Lumsdaine and M. Lumsdaine: Creative Problem Solving, McGraw Hill, 1995.
- Dyer, Gregersen and Christensen: The Innovator’s DNA: Mastering the Five Skulls of Disruptive Innovators.
- Carmine Gallo: The Innovation Secrets of Steve Jobs, McGraw-Hill, 2010.
- D. F. Kuratko and T, V, Rao: Entrepreneurship: A South-Asian Perspective, Cengage Learning, Delhi, 2016.
As noted before, at the completion of the first two semesters of the first year and before the commencement of the third semester in the second year the student is required to undergo summer training in an organisation. A report based on the summer training shall be submitted within six weeks from the commencement of the third semester. After this each student has to make a presentation and the final grade in this course will be based on both the written report and the presentation. It may be noted that this course carries 4 credits.
Apart from the summer training report during this period each student is required to start work on research project on new Business Ideas. This can be based on the summer training or it can be something entirely different. Each student is expected to work on this research project under the supervision of a faculty member throughout the third semester. After this, during the end-semester examination each student has to make a presentation and the final grade in this course (MBA 1304 in Semester-III which has 4 credits) will be based on both the written project report and the presentation.
Semester IV
Objectives To make the students convinced that business conducted following righteous or ethical manners survives, thrives and sustains in the long-run to benefit it’s all stakeholders.
Unit I
Business Ethics: Meaning of Ethics, Ethics and Morality, Moral Standards, Meaning of Business Ethics, Objectives of Business Ethics, Rationale to Study Business Ethics, Scope of Business Ethics, Arguments For and Against Business Ethics The Separatist View, The Unitarian View, The Integration View, Code of Ethics, Principles of Business Ethic: Standardization, Workable, Driven from the Top
Unit II
Theories of Business Ethics: Meaning of Theory of Business Ethics, Relevance of Theory of Business Ethics, Foundation of Theories of Business Ethics, Theories of Business Ethics: Teleological Theories, Deontological Theories
Unit III
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Meaning of CSR, Corporate Philanthropy, Corporate Citizenship, CSR Strategy, Evolution and Development of CSR, Arguments in Favour of CSR, Arguments against CSR, Drivers of CSR, Dimensions of CSR, Stakeholder Theory of Corporation, Forms of Stakeholder Theory
Unit IV
Models and Theories of CSR: Forms of CSR, Models of CSR: Philanthropic Model, Ethical Model, Statist Model, Liberal Model, Stakeholder Model; Theories of CSR: Fiduciary Capitalism Theory, Stakeholder Theory, Social Contract Theory, Feminist or Care Theory
Unit V
Corporate Governance: Its Concept and Objectives of Corporate Governance, Reasons for Recent Increasing Interest in Corporate Governance, Features of Good Corporate Governance, Advantages of Good Corporate Governance, Corporate Governance Code, Principles of Corporate Governance, Theories of Corporate Governance, Corporate Governance in India, Corporate Governance and Its Obligations to Stakeholders
Suggested Readings
- D. Albuquerque: Business Ethics: Principles and Practices, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2011.
- Manuel G. Velasquez: Business Ethics (Concepts and Cases), PHI Learning, Delhi, 2014
- A. Robert: Business Ethics and Ethical Business, Oxford University Press, USA, 2009
- R. C. Sekhar :Ethical Choice in Business, Response Books: New Delhi, 2010
- S. S. Khanka: Business Ethics and Corporate Governance: Text and Cases, S. Chand and Company Limited, New Delhi, 2014
- AIMA: Corporate Governance & business Ethics. New Delhi: Excel Books, New Delhi, 2007
To provide the students a critical overview business implications and opportunities arising from social and environmental issues
Unit I
Basic Elements of Environment: Meaning, Constituents, Importance, Types of Environment: Internal and External, Micro and Macro, Major Environment Issues and Challenges
Unit II
Aspects of Environmental Management: Aspects Relating to Environmental Management: Environmental Degradation and Environmental Pollution, Causes of Environmental Pollution, Types of Environmental Pollution: Noise Pollution, Water Pollution, Air Pollution, Radioactive Pollution, Soil Pollution, Plastic Pollution: Green House Gas Effects
Unit III
Sustainability: Meaning, Triple Bottom Line: 3 Ps - People, Planet, and Profit, Principles of Sustainable Development, Strategies for Sustainable Development, Sustainable Development and Corporate Sustainability
Unit IV
Basics of Green Marketing: Meaning, Rationale, Importance, Evolution and Development of Concept of Green Marketing, Forms of Green Marketing,
Unit V
Green Marketing Practices: Real Life Cases on Green Marketing with Special Reference to India
Suggested Readings
- Google’s Way – The Challenges of Simultaneously Meeting Financial and Social Goals.
- Philip Kotler and Gary Armstrong: Principles of Marketing, PHI Learning, Delhi, 2016.
- Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong, Prafulla Y. Agnihotri and Ehsan ul Haque: Principles of Marketing: A South Asian Perspective, Pearson Education, Delhi, 2016
- V. S. Ramaswamy and S. Namakumari: Marketing Management, Macmillan Publishers India Ltd., New Delhi, 2017
To provide the students understanding of rules and application of direct tax including GST and VAT.
Unit I
Tax Assessment: Assessment of Various Entities: Assessment of Sole Proprietorship, Assessment of Firms and their Partners, Assessment of Companies, Assessment of Co-operative Societies, Assessment of Local Authority, Assessment of Mutual Concerns, Assessment of Charitable Trusts
Unit II
Tax Authorities: Miscellaneous-Income Tax Authorities, Return of Income, Procedure for Assessment –Types of Assessment, Appeals and Revision, Deduction of Tax at Source – Advance payment of Tax – Deduction and Collection of Tax at Source, Interest and Penalties, Offences and Prosecutions – Refund of Tax.
Unit III
Tax Planning: Meaning of Tax Planning and Management, Tax Evasion and Tax Avoidance-Nature and Scope of Tax Planning and Management in the Corporate Sector-Justification of Corporate Tax Planning and Management. Tax Planning Considerations in Relation to Business.
Unit IV
Wealth Tax: Scheme of Wealth Tax, Incidence of Wealth Tax, Assets to be included in Net Wealth-Exempted, Assets-Valuation and Wealth Tax Liability, Assessment and Penalties.
Unit V
Service Tax: Service Tax: Applicability and Services covered, Valuation of Taxable Services for Service Tax, Payment of Service Tax, Registration, Furnishing of Return, Maintenance of Record, Other Obligations, VAT: Basic Concept of VAT, Application of VAT, Merits & Demerits of VAT
Suggested Readings
- Vinod Singhania: Direct Taxes, Law and Practice, Taxman Publications, New Delhi, 2017
- Bhagawati Prasad: Direct Taxes, New Age International Publication Ltd., New Delhi, 2017
- Girish Ahuja and Ravi Gupt: Direct Taxes, Bharat Law House, New Delhi, 2017
- T. N. Manoharan: Hand Book of Income Tax Laws, Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, Delhi, 2017
- B. B. Lal and N. Vashisht: Direct Taxes, Pearson Education , Delhi, 2017,
- S. S. Gupta: Service Tax, Taxman Publications, New Delhi, 2017
- Mohan Lavis: Service Tax, Bharat Publishers, New Delhi, 2017
To present students an insight into what involves in running and managing a growing small business in terms of its expansion and diversification.
Unit I
Introduction: Meaning of Growth, Need for Growth, Objectives of Growth, Stages of Growth: Introduction, Growth, Maturity, Decline
Unit II
Growth Strategies: Meaning of Strategy, Strategy Relating to: Product, Price, Distribution. Advertising, Sales Promotion, Types of Growth Strategies: Internal and External Strategies
Unit III
Internal Growth Strategies: Expansion: Meaning, Forms, Advantages and Disadvantages of Enterprise Expansion; Diversification: Meaning, Types, Advantages and Disadvantages of Diversification
Unit IV
External Growth Strategies I: Joint Ventures: Meaning, Conditions for Effective Joint Ventures, Types of Joint Ventures, Advantages and Disadvantages of Joint Ventures, Reasons for Failure of Joint ventures
Unit V
External Growth Strategies II: Mergers and Acquisitions: Reasons for Mergers and Acquisitions, Types, Advantages and Disadvantages of Mergers and Acquisitions, Issues Involved in Mergers and Acquisitions
Suggested Readings
- R. Hisrich and M. Peters: Entrepreneurship, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi, 2010
- P. Burns: Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Palgrave, New Jersey, 2013
- J. Kaplan: Patterns of Entrepreneurship, Wiley, 2009
- J. Mullins: New Business Road Test, PHI Learning, Delhi, 2012
- H. Stevenson:. Perspective on Entrepreneurship, Harvard Business Press, Boston, 2007
- S. S. Khanka: Entrepreneurial Development, S. Chand & Company Limited, New Delhi, 2015
To develop micro-level individual expertise amongst the students with regard to contemporary Information Technology Tools and also to develop an understanding of the data processing systems existing in organizations.
Unit I
Computers: An Introduction; Computers in Business Organizations; Components of a Computer System; Generations of Computers and Computer Languages; Personal Computers in Business; Configuration of a Personal System; Elements of Information Technology: Hardware, Software, Data, Telecommunications and People; Planning an Information Technology set up for an organization.
Unit II
Indian Computing Environment: Growth of IT Sector in India; Trends in IT and ITEs sectors; Applications of information technology in business, government and service organizations. E-Commerce and E-Governance. Latest developments in IT applications.
Unit III
Modes of Data Processing: Computer Software Systems; Software Development Process; Data Design & Report Design; Data Files - Types/Organizations; Master & Transaction Files; Relevance of Data Base Management Systems and Integration of Applications. Application Portfolio Development; Internet: Intranets and Extranets; Application of Internet technology in organizations. Data Communications. Networking: LAN & WANs. Applications Service Providers and Internet Service Providers.
Unit IV
PC-Software Packages: An Introduction - Operating System and Windows; Text Processing Software. Introduction to spreadsheet software; Creation of spreadsheet applications; Range, Formulas, Functions, Data Base Functions in spreadsheet; Graphics on Spreadsheet. Introduction to a micro data base manager. Presentation Graphics - Creating a Presentation on a PC.
Unit V
Software/Program Development Cycle: Flow Charting; Input-Process-Output Analysis; Report Generation; Programming Concepts; Use of Data Files in Programming. Management of Data Processing Systems in Organizations.
Suggested Readings
- H. Bill and B. D. Jaffe: IT Manager’s Handbook, Morgan Kauffman, New York, 2001.
- T. Efraim and J. Wetherbe: Information Technology for Management: Transforming Organizations in the Digital Economy Introduction to Information Technology (2nd ed.), John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2009.
- P. Norton: Introduction to Computers (6th ed.), Tata McGraw Hill Education, New Delhi, 2014.
- G. Westerman, D. Bonnet and A. McCafe: Leading Digital: Turning Technology into Business, Harvard Business Review, October 2014.
To help the students understand the use of basic concepts of costing for decision-making by management of an organization.
Unit I
Cost concepts in Accounting: Evolution of Management Accounting & Current Issues, Overview of Management Accounting, Classification of costs, Methods of costing, Reconciliation and Integration between Financial and Cost Accounts; Material Cost and Control, Labour Cost and Control, Overhead Cost and Control, Job Batch and Contract Costing, Process Costing, By Products and Joint Product Cost.
Unit II
Cost concepts in Decision Making: Cost concepts in decision-making; Relevant cost, Differential cost, Incremental cost and Opportunity cost, Objectives of a Costing System, Marginal Costing, Distinction between Marginal Costing and Absorption Costing, Break-Even Analysis, Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis, Various decision-making problems, Standard Costing and Variance Analysis,
Unit III
Budgetary Control and Performance Measurement: Flexible Budgets; Performance Budgets, Zero based Budgets.
Unit IV
Standard Costing: Meaning, Types of Standard and their revision, Difference between budgeting and standard costing. Kinds of Variances, Their use in making appraisal and fixing responsibility, Procedure of setting standard cost - Material, Labour and Overhead.
Unit V
Cost Management: Activity based approaches to management and cost analysis, Analysis of common costs in manufacturing and service industry, Techniques for profit improvement, cost reduction, and value analysis, Throughput accounting, Target costing, cost ascertainment and pricing of products and services, Life cycle costing, Impact of just in time, Backflush costing. Suggested Readings
- A. A. Atkinson: Management Accounting, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2004
- A. Atkinson, R. S. Kaplan, E. M. Matsumura and S. M. Young: Management Accounting, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2007
- A. K. Bhattacharyya: Cost Accounting for Business Managers, Vikas Publication, New Delhi, 2008
- L. Burke and C. Wilks: CIMA Official Learning System Management Accounting Decision Management, CIMA, USA, 2010
- M. Y. Khan and P. K. Jain: Management Accounting, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2015
- I. M. Pandey: Management Accounting, Vikas Publications, New Delhi, 2010
- M. Vij: Management Accounting, MacMillan India, New Delhi, 2009
Course Objective :The objective of this course is to develop essential data handling skills and to equip students with basic statistical tools for analyzing cross-section and time-series datasets using EXCEL and STATA. It also seeks to provide a strong foundation in probability theory and statistical inference.
- Descriptive Statistics and Exploratory Data Analysis : Measures of Location, Variability, Distribution and Association between two variables (including Stem and Leaf Displays, Box Plots, Cross-tabulation, Cumulative Distribution, Percentiles, Quartiles, Coefficient of Variation, Skewness, Kurtosis, Lorenz Curve, z-scores, Chebyshev’s Theorem, Covariance and Correlation, Index Numbers)
- Basic probability theory : Axioms of probability; Conditional probability; Bayes’ Theorem
- Discrete and Continuous Probability Distributions : Features of univariate and joint probability distributions (Expected values and their properties; Properties of Conditional Expectation; Law of Iterated Expectations), Binomial, Poisson, Hypergeometric, Uniform, Normal, Standard Normal, Exponential distributions.
- Statistical Inference (Sampling and Estimation) : Random Sampling, Point Estimation, Properties of Estimators (unbiasedness, efficiency, consistency, asymptotic normality), Sampling Distribution of Sample Mean and Proportion, Chi-square, t and F distributions, Convergence in Probability, Law of Large Numbers, Convergence in Distribution, Central Limit Theorem; Interval Estimation and Confidence Intervals for population parameters.
- Statistical Inference (Hypotheses Testing): Null and Alternate Hypotheses; One-tailed and two-tailed Tests; Type I and Type II errors; Power of a Test; p-values;
Parametric Tests : Tests about population mean, proportions and variances (from a single and from two populations); Tests of Goodness of Fit and Independence.
Nonparametric Tests : Sign Test; Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test; Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon Test; Kruskal-Wallis Test; Test for Significant Rank Correlation
- Analysis of Variance : One-way and Two-way; Testing for Equality of k Population Means; F-test
- Simple Linear Regression : The 2-variable OLS Model, Assumptions, Estimation, Interpretation of Coefficients, Hypotheses Testing, Prediction and Residual Analysis.
- Time Series Analysis : Components of Time series (Trend, Cyclical, Seasonal, Irregular components); Smoothing Methods (Moving Averages, Exponential Smoothing); Trend and Seasonality Analysis (Linear trend; Deseasonalizing Time series)
Anderson, D., D.Sweeney and T.Williams (2013): “Statistics for Business and Economics”, Cengage Learning : New Delhi.
Clare, Morris, (2007): Quantitative approaches in business studies, U.K Great Britain, Pearson Education Ltd.
Freund, J.E. : “Mathematical Statistics”, (Latest Edition), Prentice Hall : India.
Goon, A.M. Gupta and Das Gupta B (2002): Fundamentals of Statistics (Vol I &Vol II), World Press
Levin,R.D. and Rubin D.S, (2005) : Statistics for management , India , Pearson Education
Mood, A.M., F.A.Graybill and D.C.Boes (1974) : “Introduction to the Theory of Statistics”, McGraw Hill : New York.
Woolridge, J. : “Introductory Econometrics : A Modern Approach”, (Latest Edition), Cengage Learning : New Delhi (Appendix B (‘Fundamentals of Probability’) and C (‘Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics’).
Course Objective: The objective of this course is to learn the legal framework of the business in which enterprises operate. This includes the basics of contract act, companies act and other new legislations which have been enacted with the changing business environment.
1. Indian Contract Act, Law of contract, meaning of contract, agreement, essential elements of a valid contract, classification of contracts, proposal and acceptance, free consent, void agreement
2. The Indian Companies Act, 1956: Meaning and types, incorporation, memorandum & articles of association, prospectus, issue of shares and bonus shares, rights issue, sweat equity, role of directors, share qualification, company meetings and management. The Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008: meaning and nature of limited partnership, formation, partners & their relations, extent and limitation of liability.
3. Information Technology Act, 2000: Scheme of the act, definitions, digital signature, electronic governance.
4. Competition Act, 2002: objectives, definitions, competition policy, prohibition of certain agreements and abuse of dominant position.
5. Consumer Protection Act 1986: Objectives and machinery for consumer protection, defects and deficiency removal, rights of consumers.
6. Intellectual Property Rights: The Patents Act, 1970,The Copyright Act, 1957, The Trade Mark Act, 1999.
7. Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999
8. The Right to Information Act, 2005: Salient features of the act and its redressal mechanism
Ahuja, V K (Latest Edition): Law Relating to Intellectual Property Rights, Lexis Nexis
Chawla, Alka (Latest Edition), Law of Copyright Comparative Perspectives, Lexis Nexis
Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999
Kamath, Nandan (Latest Edition), Law Relating to Computers, Internet and E-Commerce, Universal Law Publishing Co.
Lal, Rattan &Lal, Dhiraj (Latest Edition), Law of Torts, Lexis Nexis
Sharma, Vakul (Latest Edition), Information Technology Law and Practice, Universal Law Publishing
Singh, Avtar (Latest Edition), Company Law, Eastern Book Company
Singh, Avtar (Latest Edition), Competition Law, Eastern Book Company
Singh, Avtar (Latest Edition), Contract and Specific Relief, Eastern Book Company
Verma, R.K., (Latest Edition), Right to Information Law & Practice, Taxmann
Course Objective: The Course seeks to provide grounding in basic macroeconomic theory and policy in a globalized world, with a focus on applications, especially in context of emerging economies like India
- Basic Accounting Concepts and Tools in Closed and Open Economies: National Income Accounting, Exchange Rates and Balance of Payments Accounts.
- Keynesian Theory of the Short-run: Determination of equilibrium output and interest rate (Simple Keynesian and IS-LM models); Monetary and Fiscal Policies in Closed Economies; Government Debt; Channels of Monetary Transmission
- Open Economy IS-LM Framework : Monetary and Fiscal Policies in Open Economies (with Fixed and Flexible Exchange rates); Interest rates and Exchange rates in open economies (Interest-parity condition)
- The Labour Market and Policy analysis in AS-AD Framework
- Analysis of Inflation and Unemployment : The Phillips Curve and theories of unemployment
- Theories of Economic Growth : Harrod-Domar Model; Solow Model; Evidence on Convergence and Conditional Convergence; Theories of Endogenous Growth
- Macroeconomic Crises : Causes, implications and policy response associated with the Global Financial crisis; the role of banks (including shadow banks), asset price bubbles and conventional and unconventional monetary and fiscal policy
Barro, R. and X. Sala-i-Martin (2005) : “Economic Growth”, Prentice Hall : India.
Blanchard, O. (2013) : “Macroeconomics”, (6th Edition), Pearson Education : New Jersey, USA.
Blanchard, O. J., Faruqee, H., Das, M., Forbes, K. J., &Tesar, L. L. (2010).The Initial Impact of the Crisis on Emerging Market Countries [with Comments and Discussion]. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 263-323.
De Souza, E. (2008) : “Macroeconomics”, Pearson Education : New Delhi.
Jones, C. : (2007) : “Introduction to Economic Growth”, W.W. Norton : :New York.
Mankiw, N. G., and Romer D. Weil. ND (1992) : “A Contribution to the Empirics of Economic Growth." Quarterly Journal of Economics: 407-438.
Mishkin, Frederic S. (1995) : "Symposisum on the Monetary Transmission Mechanism." Journal of Economic Perspectives 9.4: 3-10.
Ray, D. (1998) : “Development Economics” , selected chapters, Princeton University Press : New Jersey.
Romer, D. (1996) : “Advanced Macroeconomics”, McGraw-Hill : New Delhi.
Sikdar, S. (2006) : “Principles of Macroeconomics”, Oxford University Press : New Delhi.
Periodicals and Databases : Economist (Latest issues); Economic Survey, Govt. of India (Various Issues); “Database on Indian Economy” (Reserve Bank of India website); “World Development Indicators” (World Bank); “United Nations National Accounts Statistics” (United Nations)
Course Objective: This course seeks to equip students with a basic understanding of theories of international trade. It also provides an introduction to trade policy issues and to the role of the WTO.
- Theories of International Trade : Theories of Absolute Advantage, Comparative Advantage and Opportunity Costs. Heckscher Ohlin Theory of Trade (Factor Price Equalization, Stolper-Samuelson theory); Empirical evidence onHeckscher-OhlinTheory.
- General equilibrium model of trade: Offer curve, Terms of trade;Trade and welfare; Immiserizinggrowth; Policy analysis in the standard trade model.
- Modern trade theories: Imperfect competition and economies of scale; Intra-industry trade.
- Theory of Tariff and Non-tariff Barriers: Partial equilibrium Analysis of Tariff; Effects of Tariff on Consumer’s and Producer’s Surplus; Various Non-tariff Barriers
- Regionalism: Various Forms of Economic Integration; Theory of Customs Union. Dependencytheories.
- Political economy of Trade policy: Controversies in trade policy; Multilateral trading arrangements; Introduction to WTO and an overview of its functioning
Appleyard, Denis R. and J,Alfred Field,(1998): International economics, London, McGraw Hill
Bhagwati, J (1987) : International economics, selected readings, USA, M.I.T. Press.
Bhagwati, J. and Srinivasan,T.N.(1972), lectures on international trade, Cambridge Mass., M I T Press.
Salvotore, Dominick(2011) :International Economics: Trade and Finance, John Wiley International Student Edition, 10th edition.
Sikdar, S. (2002) : Contemporary Issues in Globalization : An Introduction to Theory and Policy in India, Oxford University Press : New Delhi.
Krugman,Paul, Maurice Obstfeld, and Marc Melitz (2012) :, International Economics: Theory and Policy, Addison- Wesley (Pearson education indian Edition), 9th edition.
Course Objective: The objective of this course is to give students an insight into the relationship between firms, markets and public policy using the theory of industrial organization, and game theory.
- The relationship between firms, markets and policy.
- Oligopoly and Strategic Interaction: Introduction to Game Theory, Static Models of Oligopoly—Cournot model, Price competition—Bertrand model, Strategic complements and substitutes, Dynamic Games (First and Second Movers)—Stackelberg Model
- Structure-Conduct-Performance Paradigm: Market Structure—measures, barriers to entry, relationship between market structure and entry barriers; Market Conduct--Pricing behavior, Product strategy, Research and innovation, Advertising, Legal Tactics; Market Performance--Production and allocative efficiency, Progress, Full employment, Equity
- Theory and Growth of the Firm: Characteristics, Boundaries of the firm, Transaction cost theory of the firm, Separation of ownership and control—Agency problem, Size and growth, Vertical Organization, Product diversification, Mergers and Acquisitions, Horizontal and Vertical Differentiation
- Non-Price Competition: R&D and innovation, market structure and R&D, Dynamics of R&D Competition, Patents and Patent Policy, Advertising: Market Power and Information, Competition and Brand Names
- Performance Indicators: Production and allocative efficiency, Progress, Full employment, Equity
- Networks and Auctions: Networks, Competition and Complementary services, Network goods and Public Policy, Auctions and Auction markets
- Public Policy: Law and Economics, Antitrust legislation, Regulation and Deregulation
- Cabral Luis M.B. (2000) Introduction to Industrial Organization. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press
- Pepall, Lynne, Dan Richards and George Norman (2008) Industrial Organization: Contemporary Theory and Empirical Applications 4thEdn. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing
- Tirole, Jean (1988) Theory of Industrial Organization. Cambridge MA: MIT Press
- Tremblay, Victor J., and Carol Horton Tremblay. (2012) New Perspectives on Industrial Organization. New York: Springer.
- Journal articles where required
Course Objective: This course aims to provide exposure to the students about the basic concepts and importance of natural resource management. The students would be able to appreciate the urgency for protection, nurturing and management of Natural Resources.
- The Economy and the Environment: Neo Classical perspective, Ecological perspective.
- Sustainable Development: Concepts, Theories and Principles of Sustainable Development.
- Externalities: Public Goods, Market Failure, Property rights.
- Economic incentives for Environmental Protection: Market Based Instruments, Command and Control, Marketable permits, Alternative approaches.
- Environment Impact Assessment Valuation Techniques: Stated Preference approaches, Surrogate Market approaches, Conventional market approach, Household production function approach.
- Climate Change &Ecosystem services: Ecosystem function, Kyoto Protocol and other International Agreements
- Environment Policy of India: Objectives and Implementation
- Environment Management in Business Firm: Life Cycle assessment, measuring environmental performance, Strategic Environmental Management as Competitive Strategy.
Reading list
- Brady, John (2006). Environmental Management in organizations, Earthscan Pub.
- Bromely, Daniel E The Handbook of Environmental Economics
- Connor, Robin and Stephen, Dovers (2004). Edward Institutional Change for Sustainable Development, Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Folmer, Henk, Hlandis Gabel and Hans Opschoor (1997). Principles of Environmental and Resource Economics, Edward Elgar Pub
- Hanley, Nick, Jason F Shogren& Ben White, (2008). Environmental Economics, Macmillan.
- Hart, Staurt L (1997). Strategies for Sustainable World, Harvard Business Review.
- Hussan, Ahmed M (2004). Principles of Environmental Economics, Routledge Publication.
- James, David. Application of Economic Techniques in Impact Assessment.
- Kerr John, M, Marothia, Dinesh K, Singh, Katar, Ramaswamy, C and Bentaly, William R (1997). Natural Resource Economics, Oxford & IBH Publication.
- Pearce, David, Giles Atkinson and Susana Mourato (2006). Cost –Benefit Analysis and Environment, Earthscan Pub.
- Roger, Perman (1995). Natural Resources and Environmental Economics, Longman Publication.
- Richard, Welford The Context of Corporate Environment Management.
- Therivel, Riki (2004). Strategic Environmental Assessment in Action, Earthscan Publication.
Course Objective: This course aims at equipping the participants with the basic tools, techniques, and theories necessary for corporate financial decision-making especially while investing, raising funds, and rewarding the shareholders of a business organization.
- Introduction: What is Finance? Introduction to corporate finance decisions; Objectives of Finance function; Agency Problem and Corporate Governance; Relationship of Finance with Economics & Accounting; Emerging role of Finance Manager in India; Introduction to Financial Markets & System; Overview of Indian Financial System.
- Time Value of Money: Concept of Time Value of Money; Compound Value; Present Value; Annuity; Perpetuity; Applications of concepts; Valuation of securities; Use of MS Excel functions.
- Investment Decisions: Nature of Investment Decisions; Capital Budgeting Process; Techniques of Capital Budgeting - Payback Period, Accounting Rate of Return, Net Present Value, Internal Rate of Return, Profitability Index, Discounted Payback Method; Modified IRR; NPV vs. IRR; Multiple IRRs and its resolution; Choice between projects with unequal life; Capital Budgeting under constraints; Risk Analysis in Capital Budgeting.
- Estimation of Cash Flows: Meaning of Cash Flows - Profits vs. Cash Flows; Cash Flow estimation Process; Basic principles of Cash Flows estimation; Biases in cash flow estimation.
- Cost of Capital: Concept of Cost of Capital; Cost of Debt; Cost of Equity – DDM & CAPM, beta estimation, Levered and Unlevered beta; Weighted Average Cost of Capital; Floatation Costs.
- Market Efficiency: Concept of Market efficiency, Forms of market efficiency, efficient markets and implications of efficient markets.
- Financing Decisions: Concept of Operating, Financial, and Total Leverage; Theories of Capital Structure - Net Income Approach, Traditional Approach; Net Operating Income Approach, MM Hypothesis, Pecking Order of Financing; Designing Capital Structure; EBIT-EPS Analysis.
- Sources of Long-Term Funds: Features of Equity funding; Distinguishing features of Debt, Hybrid Securities – Convertible Debentures, Zero Coupon Bonds, Option-linked Bonds; Secured Premium Notes; Warrants; Private Equity; Venture Capital & Securitisation.
- Dividend Decision: Issues in Dividend Policy; Relevance of Dividend Decision (Walter’s Model, Gordon’s Model); Irrelevance of Dividend Decision(MM Hypothesis); Determinants of Dividend Policy; Forms of Dividend; Legal Aspects of Dividends.
- Working Capital Management-Overview: Concepts of Working Capital; Need for Working Capital; Concept of Operating Cycle; Determinants of Working Capital; Approaches to Working Capital Financing, Estimation of Working Capital requirements.
- Managing Cash, Inventory, and Receivables: Cash Planning & Budgeting; Cash Collection & Disbursement System; Reducing need for Cash Balance, Investing surplus funds; Techniques of Inventory Management (EOQ & Re-order point); Monitoring & control of Inventories; Credit Policy-Nature & Goals; Credit Policy Variables (Credit Standards, Credit Terms, Collection Efforts); Impact of changes in Credit Policies; Credit Evaluation; Monitoring Receivables; Factoring-Nature, Types, and Financial Evaluation.
- Working Capital Financing: Bank Financing – Norms and procedure; Assessment methods of Working Capital requirements by Banks; Instruments of Working Capital Financing in India
Brealey, Richard A., Stewart C. Myers, Franklin Allen, & PitabasMohanty, (2014) Principles of Corporate Finance, McGraw Hill.
Chandra, Prasanna,(2012), Financial Management-Theory & Practice, Tata McGraw Hill.
Damodaran, Aswath, (2004), Corporate Finance - Theory & Practice, Wiley India.
Pandey, I.M.,(2014), Financial Management, Vikas Publishing.
Course Objective: This course is designed to give basic understanding about econometrics. During this course students are provided the basic knowledge of using statistical packages. They can use these tools to empirically test the various economic theories.
- Nature and Scope of econometrics, Methodology of econometrics
- Classical Linear Regression Model(CLRM):
Two Variable Regression Model: Concept of Population Regression Function & Sample Regression Function, Stochastic & non stochastic model, Method of OLS, Assumptions of CLRM, Properties of OLS estimators, Gauss-Markov Theorem, Goodness of fit, Hypothesis Testing: Interval estimation and test of significance approach.
Multiple Regression Analysis: Assumptions and interpretation of multiple regression equation, and
, Hypothesis testing: for individual and overall significance, for equality of two regression coefficients, and for linear equality restrictions.
- Functional forms of regression models: Regression through the origin, Log-Linear models, Semilog models, Reciprocal models
- Dummy Variable Regression models: Nature of dummy variable, ANOVA and ANCOVA models, Interaction effect of dummy variables, Dummy variable v/s Chow test.
- Relaxing CLRM assumptions:
Multicollinearity: Nature, Consequences, Detection techniques and remedial measures.
Heteroscedasticity: Nature, Consequences, Detection techniques and remedial measures.
Autocorrelation: Nature, Consequences, Detection techniques and remedial measures.
- Model Specification: Model selection criteria, Types of specification errors and their consequences, Methods to detect the specification error, Nested v/s Non-Nested model, Tests of Non-Nested hypotheses.
Dougherty Christopher (2011), Introduction to Econometrics, 4th edition, Oxford University Press, Indian edition.
Gujarati D. N. and D.C. Porter (2009), Essentials of Econometrics, 4th Edition, McGraw Hill International Edition.
Kmenta Jan (2008) ,Elements of Econometrics, Indian Reprint, Khosla Publishing House.
Maddala, G.S. and KajalLahiri (2009), Introduction to Econometrics, 4th Edition, John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Ramanathan, R. (2002), Introductory econometrics with applications, 5th Edition ,Cengage Learning.
Wooldridge, J.M. (2012), Introductory econometrics: A modern approach, 5th Edition,Cengage Learning
Objective of the Course:
The objective is to understand the leaders and their role in Organizations. The course is divided into two parts: first focusing on leadership and second on organization behavior.
Definition and nature of Leadership ; Comparison between management and leadership ; Theories of Leadership; Leader capacity vs. competence ; Courage and moral leadership; Followership ; Leading Teams; Developing leadership diversity ; Strategic leadership ; Shaping culture and values; Leading learning organizations ; Leading change
Organization Behaviour
Individual behaviour at work : Personality, value and attitude, perception , learning and reinforcement, motivation . Group dynamics, team work for effective organization. Organizational processes: Leadership, communication.
Power and politics in organization, organizational culture, stress and conflict management.
Organizational change and development, organizational learning. Transactional analysis, personal growth; JOHARI window
Readings and References:
- Barbuto&Barbach (2006). The EI of Transformative Leaders
Golemen (2003). Emotional intelligence
Grojean et al (2004). Leaders, values and organizational climate - Luthan’s Fred, (latest ed): Organisational behavior, New York, McGraw Hill
- Maulding (2002). EI and successful leadership
- MirzaSaiyadain, (latest ed): Organizational behaviour, India,TataMcGraw Hill
- Northouse, P. (2010) Leadership Theory and Practice, 5th edition (Sage: Thousand Oaks) Chapter 9.
- Piccolo & Colquitt (2006). Transformational leadership and job behaviours
- Prasad L and Banerjee, A.M., (latest ed): Management of human resources, New Delhi ,Sterling publisher (P) Ltd.
- Robbins, Stephen P, (latest ed): Organisational behavior concepts, controversies and applications, New Jersey, Prentice Hall,
- Shivers-Blackwell (2006). Influence of perceptions
- UdaiPareek, (latest ed): Practical organizational behaviour, U.K Oxford university press.
- Weinberger (2004). EI and leadership style
Course Objective: The objective of this course is to examine the political, regulatory, societal, cultural, and natural factors that shape business' nonmarket environment. Business enterprises function in both a market and a nonmarket environment. The non-market environment is the space where the formal and informal rules governing market competition are set and enforced. Successful businesses align the firm's capabilities with the demands of both its market and nonmarket environment. The course will examine markets, market failures, the role of government in correcting market failures, and government failures.
1. Political Economy: Relationship among Business, Government and Society(BGS): Importance of Business, Government and Society to Managers ; Models of BGS relationships, Political economy- competitive capitalism and regulated capitalism, Ethical Capitalism , Socialism ; Historical Forces changing the Business Environment – Key environments of Business – Power dimensions of Business – Theoretical perspective – Sociological perspective
2. Corporate Governance: Corporate Governance- Meaning, importance and significance; Genesis of Modern Corporate, Shareholder’s Democracy: A myth; Corporate Governance mechanism, Corporate Governances models, Corporate Governance in various countries, Drivers of corporate Governance; obligation to society, obligation to investors, obligation to employees, obligation to customers, managerial obligation; Corporate Governance in India, Evolution of Institutional framework.
3. Public Policies: Market failures and Government policy; The role of public policies in governing business, Government and public policy, classification of public policy, areas of public policy, need for public policy in business, levels of public policy, elements of public policy, the corporation and public policy, framing of public policy, business and politics- levels of involvement, business, government, society and media relationship ; government regulations in business, justification of regulation, types of regulation, problems of regulation
4. Business Ethics: Meaning of ethics, business ethics, relation between ethics and business ethics, evolution of business ethics, nature of business ethics, scope, need and purpose, importance, approaches to business ethics, sources of ethical knowledge for business roots of unethical behavior, ethical decision making, some unethical issues, benefits from managing ethics at workplace, ethical organizations
5. Environmental concerns and corporations: History of environmentalism, environmental preservation-role of stakeholders, international issues, sustainable development, costs and benefits of environmental regulation, industrial pollution, role of corporate in environmental management, waste management and pollution control, key strategies for prevention of pollution, environmental audit, Laws governing environment
6. From Social Responsibility to Shared Value into Social Progress: Types and nature of social responsibilities, CSR principles and strategies, models of CSR, Best practices of CSR, Need of CSR, Arguments for and against CSR, CSR Indian perspective; movement from CSR to shared value and beyond the thinking of social progress
AC Fernando, 2009 : Business Ethics: An Indian Perspective, Pearson
Boatright 2007, Ethics and the conduct of Business, fifth edition, Pearson pub
C. Handy, “What’s a business for?” HBR Dec 2002
D. Hogberg, “The Rainforest Action Network,” Capital Research Center, May 2005
Fishman, C. (2006). “The Wal-Mart Effect: Who knew shopping was so important?” Academy of Management Perspectives. 20(3): 6-25.
Hart, S. (2010): capitalism at the Crossroads: Next Generation Business Strategies for Post Crisis World, 3rd edition, FT press,
J.B. Foster, “Ecology and the transition from capitalism to socialism,” Monthly Review, 2008
John F. Steiner and George A Steiner, Business, Government and Society, McGraw Hill Irwin,
Kurucz, E., B. Colbert, and D. Wheeler (2013). “Chapter 2: Envisioning a new way of doing business: Thinking skills for sustainable organizations.”
Kurucz, E., B. Colbert, and D. Wheeler (2013). Section on Energy & Climate (p.107-117) from Chapter 4: “Complex global issues as the context for value creation.”
Kurucz, E., B. Colbert, and D. Wheeler, (2013). Chapter 5: “Managing for stakeholders in a complex world.”
M. Friedman: “The social responsibility of business is to increase its profits,” New York Times Magazine, Sept 13, 1970
Manual G Velasquez(2010 Business Ethics: Concepts & Cases, sixth edition, PHI publications
P. Desrochers, “Greed Is Green: How the Profit Motive Helps the Environment,” The America, 2013
Porter ME1, Kramer MR.Strategy and society: the link between competitive advantage and corporate social responsibility. Harv Bus Rev. 2006 Dec;84(12):78-92, 163.
Surf the OpenIDEO website – an open innovation platform to solve big challenges for social good:
Turner, C. (2010). How Walmart is Saving the World.” Canadian Business Magazine, December 6, 2010.
Watch the TED talk: Tim Brown (CEO of IDEO) Urges Designers to Think Big:
Course Objective: This course seeks to build an understanding about the international financial system. It provides insights into the drivers and implications of international capital flows and the causes of external crises, based on recent events and current policy issues. The theory presented in this course builds a strong foundation in open economy tools and concepts. The insights provided by these theoretical frameworks enable a discussion on topics such as debt crises in Latin American countries, currency crises in East Asian countries, the Global financial crisis and international monetary reform.
- Interest Rates, Exchange Rates and Inflation in an Open Economy: Open Economy Macroeconomic Identity; Relation between Fiscal Deficit, Current Account Deficit and Gap between National Savings and Investment; Balance of Payments Accounts; Exchange rate determination; Real Exchange Rates; Fixed and flexible exchange rate, Marshal-Learner condition and J-curve; Purchasing power parity.; Covered and Uncovered Interest Parity Conditions, Real Interest Rates and Yield Curve
- Global Capital Flows: Importance and Policy Implications; Benefits and drawbacks of unrestricted global capital flows; Global Capital Flows in Practice - capital mobility in the world economy from mid-19th century onwards.The policy Trilemma - fixed exchange rates, unrestricted capital flows and policy independence,
- Exchange rates, External Crises and Global Capital Flows: International monetary system - Past, present and future(Gold Standard, Inter-war period and Bretton wood system); Country experiences with Fixed exchange rates and external crises: e.g., Mexican Crises, East Asian Crisis etc.
- Analyzing economic crises: Characterizing different types of crises (e.g., Sovereign debt crisis, Currency crisis, Financial crisis) using case studies of sub-prime crisis, European debt crisis, Global Financial crisis; Inter-relations among different kinds of crises; causes of external crises; policy responses to external crises; Role of Multilateral institutions (e.g., IMF, New development Bank, Asia-infrastructure Bank, G-8 and G-20 etc.).
IMF (International Monetary Fund) (2011), IFS (International Financial Statistics) Yearbook, IMF : Washington D.C.
Krugman, P. and M. Obstfeld (2000), International Economics : Theory and Policy, Latest Edition, Pearson Education : New Delhi.
Krugman, P. (2008), The Return of Depression Economics and the Crisis of 2008, Penguin Books : London.
Obstfeld and Rogoff (1995), The Mirage of Fixed Exchange Rates, Journal of Economic Perspectives , pp. 73-96.
Obstfeld, M. and A.Taylor (2004), Global Capital Flows : Integration, Crisis and Growth, Cambridge University Press : Cambridge.
Obstfeld, M. (1998), The Global Capital Market: Benefactor or Menace ?, Journal of Economic Perspectives , pp: 9-30.
Reinhart, C.M. and K.S. Rogoff (2009), This Time is Different, Princeton University Press : Princeton and Oxford.
Roubini, N. and D. Backus (1998), Lectures in Macroeconomics (downloadable from Nouriel Roubini’s, Stern School of Business, NYU, Course Website) (
Roubini, N. and B.Setser (2006) ,Bailouts or Bail-ins ?, Viva Books : New Delhi.
Course Objective: This course will allow the student to gain knowledge about the major developments and issues in Indian economy. Starting with the debate on growth and development in Indian economy this course discuss the sectoral balances and key issues in financial and external sectors of the economy.
- Changes in the Indian Economy: Analysing the structure and growth performance of Indian economy since independence.
- Inter-sectoral balance : Agriculture, industry and infrastructure; service sector led growth
- Challenges of development : Poverty , education , unemployment , MDG (Millennium development goals) & SDG (Sustainable development goals) , Demographic dividend.
- Financial Sector: Indian financial sector : its structure and reforms, Monetary Policy, Capital Market: its Growth , problems and reforms.
- Public Finance:Fiscal Imbalances in the Indian Economy , Sustainability of public Debt and Fiscal Deficits in Central and State Finances.
- External Sector: Analysis of trade policy in post reform period, Liberalised exchange rate system, Trend and problems of Foreign Direct Investment and Foreign Institutional investment in India, WTO and India.
Acahya Shankar and Rakesh Mohan (2011), India’s Economic Performance and Challenges: Essay’s in Honour of Montek S Ahluwalia, , Oxford University Press.
Ahluwalia, I J (1985), Industrial Growth in India, Oxford University Press, New Delhi
Ahluwalia, I.J. and IMD Little (2011), India’s Economic Reforms & Development :Essays in Honour of Manmohan Singh, Oxford University Press, New Delhi
Ahluwalia, Montek Singh (2002) Economic reforms in India since 1991, has gradualism worked?Journal of economic perspectives summer
Bardhan, P. (2001) Political economy of development in India ,New Delhi, Oxford University Press
Basu, K. (Ed.) (2005), India’s emerging economy, India, Oxford University Press
Brahmananda, P R and V R Panchmukhi (1987) The Development Process of Indian Economy,Himalya Publishing House, Bombay.
Brahmananda, P R and V R Panchamukhi, (2001), Development Experience in the Indian Economy:Inter-State Perspectives, Bookwell, Delhi.
Byres, T J (1998) ,The Indian Economy: Major Debates Since Independence, Oxford University Press.
Chand, R. S SRaju and L M Pandey, (2007) Growth crisis in agriculture , EPW Vol. 42.
Chandrasekhar, Ghosh and AnamitraRoychowdhury (2006), The demographic dividend and young India’s economic future , EPW Vol 41.
Derez, J and Amartya Sen (2002), India Development and Participation, Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
Derez, J and AmartyaSen (1999), TheAmartyaSen and Jean Dreze Omnibus: Poverty and Famines, Hunger andPublic Action, India- Economic Development and Social Opportunity: ... Economic Development and Social Opportunity, Oxford University Press
Derez, J and Amartya Sen (2013), An Uncertain Glory: India and its Contradictions, Princeton University Press.
Dhar, Biswajit, ( 2007), Agriculture trade and protection, Vol 42.
Dooley, Landau and Garber, (2005), Asia, interest rates and the dollar, Germany DeutscheBank
Dua, Pami and Sinha, Arunima, (2007), East asian currency crisis and currency pressure, the Case of India, WP No.158. Delhi school of economics
Feldstein, Martin (2007), Why is the dollar so high?, journal of policy modelling t pp661-668
Jadhav,Narendra,(2007), Monetary policy, financial stability and globalization, UK Macmillan Press
Jalan , B (2004), The Indian Economy - Problems and Prospects, Penguin Books
Krishna K L and Vaidyanathan (2004), Markets and institutions in India’s economic development, New Delhi, OUP
Krueger, A.O(2002), Economic Policy Reforms and the Indian Economy, Oxford University Press, New Delhi
Lucas, E B and G F Papanek (1988), TheIndian Economy- Recent Development and Future Prospects, Oxford University Press, New Delhi
Mohan, Rakesh (2004), Challenges to monetary policy in a globalising context, Reserve Bank of India
Nayyar, Deepak, (2008), Macroeconomics of structural adjustment: a heterodox perspective,international journal of development issues. Vol 1
Nayyar, Gaurav, (2008), Economic growth and regional inequality in India, EPW
Panagariya, Arvind, (2004), Growth and reforms during 1980s and 1990s, EPW June 19- 25
Rodrik and Subramanian (2005), From Hindu growth to productivity surge, the mystery of theIndian growth transition, IMF staff papers vol 52, No 2
Sachs, Jeffrey(2005 ), The end of poverty, UK, Penguin Press
Sen, Partha,(2007), Capital flows, financial repression and macroeconomic volatility In Indiasince the reforms. WP no 157, Delhi school of economics
Sikdar, S.(2004), Contemporary issues in globalization ,New Delhi, OUP
Srinivasan, T.N. and , S. Tendulkar (2003), Reintegrating India into the world economy, NewDelhi, Oxford University Press.
Takeshi I and Shigeyuki (2014) ,) Indian Economy: Empirical Analysis on Monetary and Financial Issues in India, World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd
Economic and Political Weekly : Various Issues.
Government of India : Economic Survey (Annual), Ministry of Finance, New Delhi
Course Objective: The objective of the course is to understand the top management decision making that includes formulation of vision and objectives, analysis of business environment, evaluating internal strength weaknesses, identifying competitive advantage, developing and implementing strategies, and lastly the evaluation and control. The course is case study base analysis and discussion.
1.Strategy and concepts: Strategy, strategic planning, evolution of strategy
2. Vision and strategist: vision \ mission \ strategic intent, goals and objectives
3. External environment analysis:SWOT, industry focus, strategic groups, competitors, profit pool concept and tool
4. Internal analysis: Resources,capabilities \ competence, knowledge base, use of values chain and experience curve
5. Competitive strategies and competitive advantages: Competitive advantages and strategies in different industrial settings, matured industries, blue ocean strategies values innovation, competitive advantage in high tech/emerging industry
6. Corporate strategies and portfolio analysis; Strategy for international/global industries; strategic alliances, M &A
7 .Disruption / Business Model Innovation; Design Thinking / Transient Advantage
8. Strategy implementation: Structure, systems, resources allocation, leadership style, balanced scorecard; Evaluation and Control, Strategic Information Systems; Strategic Entrepreneurship
9Strategic Change:Turnaround and corporate regeneration, managing change
- Besanko, D.; D.Dranove, M.Shanley, S.Schaefer, (2004): Economies of strategy, New Delhi John Wiley,
C.K. Pahalad, Gary Hamel, (1990)“The Core Competence of the Corporation,” Harvard Business Review, May-June 1990
- Charlie Rose and David Kelley,(2013) Design Thinking: Ready for Prime Time, Harvard Business Review 2013
- Cindy Tripp ,(2013)“Energizing Innovation Through Design Thinking,” Rotman Management, Fall 2013
- Clark Gilbert and Joseph L. Bower, (2002)“Disruptive Change: When Trying Harder Is Part of the Problem,” Harvard Business Review, May 2002
- Cynthia A. Montgomery , (2008)“Putting Leadership Back Into Strategy,” Harvard Business Review, January 2008
- Cynthia A. Montgomery, “How Strategists Lead,” McKinsey Quarterly
David Collis and Cynthia A Montgomery,(1998) “Creating Corporate Advantage, Harvard Business Review, May-June 1998
- David, Fred R.,( 2004): Strategic management, India, Pearson Education
- Haberber, Adrian; and Alison Rieple,(2004): Strategic management-theory and application, India Oxford University Press
- Mark W. Johnson, Clayton M. Christensen, and Henning Kagermann, (2008)“Reinventing Your Business Model,” Harvard Business Review, December 2008
- Michael Porter,(2008) “The Five Competitive Forces That Shape Strategy,” Harvard Business Review, January 2008
- Michael Porter,(1996) “What is Strategy?” Harvard Business Review, November-December 1996
- Mikolaj Jan Piskorski, “Choosing Corporate and Global Scope,”
- PankajGhemawat , (2001)“Distance Still Matters: The Hard Reality of Global Expansion,”, Harvard Business Review, September 2001
- PankajGhemawat and Jan W. Rivkin ,“Creating Competitive Advantage,”
- Richard Rumelt, “The Perils of Bad Strategy,” by McKinsey Quarterly
- Robert S. Kaplan and David P. Norton, Strategic Management: An Emerging Profession,” Balanced Scorecard Report, 2004
Rita Gunther McGrath, Transient Advantage,” Harvard Business Review, October 2004
- Robert Grant,(1996): Contemporary Strategy analysis, UK,Blackwell
- Robert S. Kaplan and David P. Norton, “Using the Balanced Scorecard as a Strategic Management System,” Harvard Business Review, July-August 2007
- SamhitaJayanti and Bharat N. Anand, “Strategies of Unrelated Diversification,”
- Tim Brown, “Design Thinking,” Harvard Business Review, June 2013
- W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne, “Blue Ocean Strategy,” Harvard Business Review, October 2004
- Walter Isaacson, “The Real Leadership Lessons of Steve Jobs,” Harvard Business Review, April 2012
- Watch “Business Model Explained” at
Course Objective: Decision Making is certainly the most important task of a manager and it is often a very difficult one. Most of the Business decisions are made in uncertain dynamic environment. The introduction of Simulation and Modelling as a course in business management helps in decision making under such conditions.
1. Introduction to Modelling & Simulation: Types of models, Continuous – Discrete, Static – Dynamic, Deterministic – Stochastic Advantages and disadvantages of simulation and modeling Steps of building a simulation model
2. Probability Distribution: Properties of Normal, Poisson, Uniform. Random number generation: Generation of pseudo random number,
3. Validation and Verification of models: Methods used for verification and validation.
4. Financial modelling and Simulation:Modelling the Financial Markets- What to model and why, Introduction to financial modelling techniques. Applications of simulation of the Financial Markets.
5.Marketingmodelling and Simulation: Marketing Models and Marketing Data. Examples on modelling marketing phenomena.
Albright, S.C., W. L. Winston, and C.Zappe Data Analysis and Decision Making. Duxbury (1999)
Altiok, T. and Melamed, Benjamin, Simulation Modeling and Analysis with ARENA, Elsevier: Amsterdam, 2007
Anderson, S.P., de Palma A. and Thisse, J.-F. (1992), Discrete Choice Theory of
Product Differentiation, The MIT Press.
Banks, J. & Carson, J. S. Getting Started with GPSS/H, Wolverine Software Corp., 1989.
Banks, J. Handbook of Simulation, Wiley Interscience, John Wiley and Sons (1998). Banks, J. (Editor), Handbook of Simulation: Principles, Methodology, Advances, Applications, and Practice,
Bekey, G. A. &Kogan, B. Y. Modeling and simulation: theory and practice: a memorial volume for Prof. Walter J. Karplus, Springer – Verlag
Benninga, Simon. Financial Modelling, 3rd edition, MIT Press
Dubin, J. A. (1998), Studies in Consumer Demand – Econometric Methods Applied to
Market Data, Kluwer Academic Publishers Group.
Franses, P.H. and Paap, R. (2010), Quantitative Models in Marketing Research,
Cambridge University Press.
Laguna, M. and Marklund, J. Business Process Modeling, Simulation, and Design, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2005.
Lilien, G. L., Philip Kotler, P. &Moorthy, K. S. Marketing Models Prentice Hall
Winston, W. Decision Making under Uncertainty with RiskOptimizer, Palisade, 1999
Winston, W. Financial Models using Simulation and Optimization, Palisade, 1999.
Zeigler, B. P. Kim, T. G. &Praehofer, H. Theory of Modeling and Simulation, 2nd edition, Academic Press, Inc. Orlando, FL, USA
Course Objective: The aim of the Strategic Marketing Management Course which builds on the ‘Marketing Management’ course is to provide studentswith: an overview of the discipline of marketing, within a corporate and functional context, an appreciation of the tools, concepts and models required toundertake an evaluation of the marketplace, an understanding of the marketing planning process and an understanding of the tools required to help develop andimplement marketing strategies.
- Strategic marketing management - Introduction: competitive pressures and change in market place
- Marketing strategy and planning: Business strategy and competitive advantage, marketing audit,marketing costs and financial analysis.
- Market and environmental analysis :Competitor analysis , customer analysis
- Targeting and positioning strategies: Segmenting in markets ,relationship strategies, generic strategies
- Product and Brand strategies: Planning for new products, product branding and customer service strategies, designing life cycle strategies- incorporating the psychographics perspective, managing the product/service portfolio.
- Pricing strategy: External uncontrollable pricing forces impacting strategy, internal controllable pricing elements , understand the key strategies of perceived-value pricing and value pricing , competitive pricing matrix
- Advertising and sales promotion strategies: Public relations and direct marketing strategies, sales force strategies
- Distribution strategy: Channel member’s roles and responsibilities, channel management decisions-designs, cooperation, conflict and power.
- Digital Marketing , Implementation and control of Marketing etc
Cravens, David W.,& Nigel Piercy (2002):Strategic Marketing, Singapore, McGraw-Hill/Irwin
Davidson, Huge; Warren J. Keegan, Elyse Arno Brill ,(2004): Offensive marketing:, an action guide to gaining competitive advantage, New Delhi, Pearson Publishers
Drummond, Graeme; John Ensor,Ruth Ashford,(2001): Strategic marketing, planning and control ,U.K.Butterworth-Heinemann,
Jain, Subash C.,(1996): Marketing planning and strategy, Texas South-Western Publisher
Nag, A., (2008): Strategic marketing, India, Macmillan Publishers
Course Objective: This course is intended to introduce the student to marketing research: the effective gathering, development and use of information about markets and their component consumers and competition.Itaddresses the use of marketing research as an aid to making marketing decisions; specifically, how the information used to make marketing decisions is gathered and analyzed. Accordingly, Marketing Research is appropriate for both prospective users of research results and prospective marketing researchers.
- Marketing research – An introduction , basic & applied research, value & limitations, overview of research process
- Marketing information & decision support systems
- Application of marketing research, the client / researcher interface, articulation with decision stages , information systems and marketing research
- Research objectives & plans
- The setting of experiments and experimental designs extension of true experimental design, selection of an experimental design
- Measurement and scaling: Managerial considerations for measurement error avoidance, the development of measurement scaling methods, selecting the appropriate scale to use
- Questionnaire design and function of questionnaire
- Qualitative research: Observation and psychological measures
- Sampling: Researcher summary of sampling selection, sampling size decisions
- Data analysis and interpretation : Hypothesis testing (various t-tests), Investigation of associations (interdependence methods), factor analysis, ANOVA, Regression, cluster analysis, multidimensional scaling, planning requirements of efficient analysis
- Non-parametric tests
- Presentation of research findings
- Cases in marketing research: Product research , advertising research marketing & sales analysis research , brand positioning and market segmentation , evaluating new marketing strategies
- Emerging applications of marketing research : Database marketing & relationship marketing, client / researcher interface, client / researcher management concern, managing marketing research development, marketing research agencies
- 14. Ethical issues in marketing research: Code of ethics, ethical issues involving the treatment of respondents/subjects, ethical issues in the treatment of buyers / clients, ethical issues relating to the treatment of research
Haque, Paul (2002): Market Research, a guide to planning, methodology and evaluation, New York Kogan Page
Grover, Rajiv and Marco Vriens (2006): The handbook of marketing research,uses, misuses and futures advances New Delhi, Sage,2006
Malhotra, N. and Dash, S. (2011):Marketing Research, 6th edition, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 948 p.
NargundkarRajendra,( 2004) Marketing Research, New Delhi ,Tata McGraw
Smith, Scott M., and Gerald S.Albaum,(2005): Fundamentals of marketing research, New Delhi, Sage,2005
Course Objective: SCM is an applied paper that integrates the cross-discipline needs of marketing, finance and operations students. SCM is a key functional focus area for successful global business today. The course aims at making students appreciate the importance of SCM in international business. This would lead to:
- Understanding the nature and concepts of supply chain, its functions, differences from the conventional marketing channel approach.
- Appreciate the similarities and interaction between Purchasing, Distribution and Supply Chain systems.
- Learn the function and role of Warehousing and Unitization.
- Knowledge related of international conventions, legal requirements and practices related to movement of goods across the Globe.
- Create capability to analyze, design and improve the supply chain in an organization.
- Understanding SCM - basics and concepts.
- Economic justification of SCM and risks involved.
- Warehousing – types, layouts, order picking, packaging and unitization.
- Transportation – choices, considerations, inter-modal and documentation.
- International Conventions – legal aspects, international practices, chartering principles and documentation, maritime insurance and frauds.
- Role of technology in SCM – IT, e-business, ERP etc.
- Contemporary developments – 3 PL/4 PL, reverse logistics and other practices.
Text book
Chopra, Sunil and Meindl, Peter – “Supply Chain Management”, Pearson Education, 2004.
- Ayers, James B – “Handbook of Supply Chain Management”, St. Lucie Press, 2000.
- Blanchard, Benjamin S – “Logistics Integrated Inventory Management”, John Wiley & Sons, 1999.
- Blanchard, Benjamin S – “Logistics Engineering and Management”, Pearson Education, 2001.
- Ballou, Ronald H – “Business Logistic Management”, Prentice-Hall, 1999.
- Branch, Alan – “International Purchasing and Management”, Thomson Learning, 2002.
- Chadwick, Tom and Rajgopal, Shan – “Strategic Supply Management”, Butterworth Heinmann, 1995.
- Christopher, Martin – “Logistics and Supply Chain Management”, Pitman Publishing, 1998.
- Copacino, W C – “Supply Chain Management”, St. Lucie Press, 1996.
- Coyle, John J; Bardi, Edward J and Langley Jr., C John – “The Management of Business Logistics”, West Publishing Company, 1996.
- David, Pierre – “International Logistics”, Biztantra, 2003.
- Dobler, W Donald and Burt, David N – “Purchasing and Supply Management”, Tata McGraw-Hill, 1999.
- Fernie, John and Sparks, Leigh – “Logistics and Retail Management”, Kogan Page, 1998.
- Gattorna, John – “Strategic Supply Chain Alignment”, Gower Publishing, 1998.
- Gourdin, Kent N – “Global Logistics Management”, Blackwell Publishers, 2001.
- Handfield, Robert B and Nicholas, Jr. Ernest L – “Introduction to Supply Chain Management”, Prentice-Hall, 1999.
- Lambert, Douglas M; Stock, James R and Ellram, Lisa M – “Fundamentals of Logistics Management”, Irwin McGraw-Hill, 1998.
- Mentzer, John T – “Supply Chain Management”, Response Books, 2001.
- Monczka, Robert; Trent, Robert and Handfield, Robert – “Puchasing and Supply Chain Management”, Thomson South-Western, 2002.
- Rushton, Alan; Oxley, John and Croucher, Phil – “The Handbook of Logistics and Distribution Management”, Kogan Page, 2000.
- Sahay, B S – “Supply Chain Management”, Macmillan India, 1999.
- Shapiro, Jeremy F – “Modelling the Supply Chain”, Thomson Learning, 2002.
- Schonsleben, Paul – “Integral Logistics Management”, The St. Lucie Press, 2000.
- Walters, D W and Gattorna, J L – “Managung the Supply Chain”, Macmillan Business, 1996.
- Waters, Donald – “Global Logistics and Distribution Planning”, Kogan Page, 2003.
- Wisner, D Joel; Leong G Keong and Tan Keah-Choon – “Principles of Supply Chain Management”, Thomson South-Western, 2005.
Course Objective: This course will equip students with the tools and terminology to explore andunderstand marketing practices in a global environment. It provides a practical overview of the key elements of international marketing andissues businesses face when entering and operating in foreign markets.This course is designed to provide students with the latestunderstanding of global issues, disciplines, competitions and the necessary skills inmaking strategic decisions based on a global perspective.
- International Marketing: Concept and relevance
- Internationalization process
- Environment analysis: Dynamics of global market environment/international competition, cultural dynamics in assessing global markets- geography, history and culture ,political and legal environment- need critical evaluation- WTO and its various provisions
- Developing global vision through market research :Export market selection- definition and strategy, market definition and segmentations and strategy , market expansion , selection process, procedures, strategy ,foreign market portfolios ,sources of information, assessing market potential ,export marketing research, using internet e-mail for data collections
- International marketing strategy/global strategy: Competitive advantage and value chain
- Entry modes and strategy
- Exports :Exim policy in India, financing sources, marketing risks, institutional framework
- Strategic alliance
- Creating products for consumers in global markets
- International pricing
- International distribution systems
- International advertising and promotion
- E-business and its role in international marketing
- Implementing global market strategy/international marketing negotiations
Douglas Lamont, (1997): Winning worldwide, John Wily and sons
Joshi, Rakesh Mohan,(latest edition): International Marketing, New Delhi, Oxford University Press
Masaaki Kotabe and KristiaanHelsen, (2009): Global marketing management, India, John Wiley
Philip R. Cateora and John L. Graham, (2006): International marketing, Singapore, McGraw-Hill/Irwin
Rajagopal, (2007): International marketing, New Delhi; Vikas Publishers
Warren Keegan,( 2004):, Global marketing, India, Pearson Education
Course Objective: This course defines CRM as the core business strategy that integrates internal processes and functions and external networks to create and deliver value to targeted customers at a profit.
- Introduction to CRM, evolution of the concept, changing role of CRM, Influence of Globalization on CRM
- CRM process
- Customer equity and its components: Brand equity, value equity and relationship equity
- Economics of CRM: Customer life time value, customer life cycle analysis
- Strategic CRM in B-to-C
CRM implementation in B-to-B
- Customer Loyalty and Loyalty programs
Lasting relationship through service offerings
- CRM in fast moving consumer goods
- Customer Profitability Analysis, Satisfaction Profit Chain
- Allocating Resources to customers
- Critical success factors and Obstacles in CRM Success
- e-CRM
Blattberg, Roberts,Garg Gets and Jacqueline. S. Thomas Customer Equity: Building and Managing Relationship as Valuable Assets, Boston, Harvard Business School Press.
Buttle Francis, Customer Relations Management: Concepts and Tools, Amsterdam, Elsevier
Greenberg Paul, CRM at speed of light: Social CRM Strategies. Tools and Techniques for engaging your customers, McGraw Hill.
Pealeu (ed.) Customer Relations Management, Prentice hall
Swift, Ronelt, AcceleratilyCustomerRelatioship using CRM and Relationship Techniques. Upper Saddle River, N.J. Prentice hall
MBA EL-1022: ASPECTS OF Financial Derivatives
Course Objective: The objective of this course is to give an overview of the fundamentals of financial derivatives. This course introduces financial derivatives, such as forwards, futures, swaps, and options. Application of these derivatives instruments in managing risk management, besides their pricing / valuation issues would also be explored.
- Introduction to Financial Derivatives: Forward Contracts; Futures Contracts; Options & Other Derivatives – Meaning & Differences, Profit & Pay-offs from derivatives; Types of traders; Uses of Derivatives; Role of Derivatives; Criticism of Derivative contracts; Overview of Indian Derivatives market.
- Mechanics of Futures Market: Transactions on a Futures Exchange; Specifications of a Futures Contracts; Operation of Margins; Convergence of Futures price to Spot Price; Safeguards in Futures Market; Role of Clearing House, Operation of Margins; Closing of a Futures position; Open Interest.
- Determination of Forward/Futures prices: Investment vs. Consumption assets; Short selling; Determination of Forward prices - Cash-and Carry & Reverse Cash & Carry Arbitrage; Value of Forward Contracts; Forward and Futures Price; Futures price for Currencies & Consumption assets; Convenience yield; Implied repo rate.
- Hedging Strategies using Futures: Uses of Futures contracts; Hedging – Long and Short Hedge, Choice of Futures contract, No. of Futures contracts – Hedge Ratio; Hedge effectiveness; Basis Risk; Cross hedging; Hedging with Index Futures; Changing the portfolio beta using Futures; Rolling the hedge forward.
- Mechanics of Options: Specifications of Options Contracts; Moneyness of Options; Types of options; Trading & Settlement; Adjustments for Corporate actions.
- Properties of Stock Options: Factors affecting Option prices; Upper & Lower Bounds of Option prices; Early exercise of American options; Put-Call parity & its uses.
- Valuing Options: Binomial Option Pricing Model, one-step, two step binomial trees for Call & Put options; Risk-neutral valuation vs. Real world; Black-Scholes-Merton Option Pricing Model (BSMOPM); Assumptions; Log-normal property of stock prices; Interpretation of the formula; Robustness of BSMOPM; Effect of Dividends; Early exercising of American Options; Estimating Volatility - Historical Volatility & Implied Volatility; Volatility skew & smiles, Effect of Dividends.
- The Greeks: Delta, Gamma, Theta, Vega, and Rho - Meaning, Properties and Uses.
- Trading Strategies using Options: Strategies involving option & stock – Covered Call & Protective put; Spreads – Bullish, Bearish, Butterfly; Combinations – Straddles, Strangles, Strips & Straps; Other Strategies – Collars, Box Spread, Ratio Spread, Condors; Synthetic Stocks.
- Swaps: Concepts; Types of Swaps- Interest rate & Currency Swaps - Structure, Pricing and Valuation.
- Value-at-Risk: Firm Risk Management; Managing market risk; Concept of VaR; Calculating VaR; Benefits & Criticism of VaR.
Chance, Don M. and Robert Brooks, (2013), An Introduction to Derivatives and Risk Management, Cengage Learning.
Dubofsky, David A., and Thomas W. Miller,(2003), Derivatives – Valuation & Risk Management, Oxford University Press.
Hull, John C. &SankarshanBasu,(2012) Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, Pearson Education.
Kolb, Robert W. and James A. Overdahl, (2009), Futures, Options & Swaps, Wiley India.
Course Objective: The Course is aimed at equipping the students with necessary knowledge, tools and skills to evaluate securities, their risk and return characteristics, make suitable portfolios and to evaluate their performance. The course is also designed to give necessary exposure of working of investment markets.
- An overview of investment- Investment process, Investment options, Types of investors, Concept of Risk & Return, Concept of Asset
- Market, Instruments & Security Trading -Short selling, leverage and arbitrage, How Securities are traded, Markets and Trading: Trading orders, Asset Classes, Securities Market
- Fixed income securities -Calculating Future Bond Prices, Rates of Return on Bond, Computing Bond Yield, Bond Characteristics, yield curve, term structure of interest rates, bond behavior , duration and modified duration, bond convexity, immunization and other bond management strategies, rebalancing of portfolios
- Fundamental Analysis -Bottom up investing: Value approach and growth approach, Top-down investing ( The E-I-C Analysis framework )
- Company Analysis- Cash flow based valuation - Discounted cash flow analysis Estimation of cost of capital, Relative valuation metrics and investment decision, Valuation multiples ( P/E, Price to Book Value , EV/EBITDA, Price to sales)
- Market Efficiency -The random walk model, weak, semi strong and strong forms of market efficiency, event studies & calendar effects
- Technical Analysis- Conceptual Foundation, Theoretical Basis of technical analysis, Charting, Technical Indicators Patterns
- Capital Market Theory -Arbitrage Pricing Theory, Capital Asset Pricing Model
- Portfolio Construction- Need for Portfolio Construction, Asset Classes and their impact on portfolio
- Portfolio Construction -Asset Classes and their impact on portfolio, Need for Portfolio Construction
- Theory of Portfolio Construction -Portfolio Construction Process, Determine the efficient frontier, Markowitz Portfolio Selection Model
- Portfolio performance measurement & revision - Sharpe portfolio performance measure, ,Jensen portfolio performance measure, Treynor portfolio performance measure , Portfolio revision, Fama’s model, information and m2 ratios, market timing and shifting strategies of a manager, style analysis.
Bodie, Zvi , Alex Kane, Alan J Marcus &PitabasMohanty (2009), Investments, Tata McGraw Hill.
Fischer, Donald E. and Ronald J.Jordan,(2006), Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, Pearson Education.
Reilly,F. and J.Brown,(2006)Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, Cengage Learning.
MBA EL-1024: TOPICS IN Mergers & Acquisitions
Course Objective: This course exposes the students to a broad range of financial restructuring techniques by which corporates re-aligning and restructure their businesses in order to increase firm value.
- Basic Concepts: Corporate Restructuring, Mergers, Amalgamations, Acquisitions, Takeovers, Divestures, De-mergers, Sell-Offs, Spin-Offs, Equity Carve-outs, Strategic Alliances, Joint Ventures – Definitions, Differences & Similarities; Types & motives for Mergers; Recent Trends.
- Theories of Mergers: Efficiency theory, Operating Synergy, Pure Diversification, Information and Signaling, Hubris Hypothesis, Free Cash flow Hypothesis.
- Regulatory Environment & Compliance in India: Legal Processes in M &A; SEBI Takeover Code 2011and regulatory guidelines; Relevant Provisions of Companies Act-2013, Income Tax Act and Competition Act-2002.
- Valuation of Target Firms: Book Value Method, Discounted Cash Flow Methods – DCF, FCFE, FCFF, Cost of Capital & Adjusted Present Value(APV) method; Dividend Discount Method, Relative Valuation Method – Earnings, Revenue,Sector-specific,Book Value Multiples, Equity & Enterprise Valuation Multiples; Real Options Method.
- Financing of Acquisitions: Method of Payment, Earnings Dilution in Share Exchange, Financing a Cash Offer, Deferred Consideration.
- Accounting for Mergers & Acquisitions: Pooling of Interest & Purchase Method – Features. Pros & Cons; Tax implications in M & A.
- Buyback of Shares: Concept; Methods of buyback – Tender offer, Open Market Purchase, Reverse Book-building method; Pros and Cons; SEBI Regulations; Empirical evidence on buybacks.
- Leveraged Buyouts:: Rationale for LBOs, Structure of LBOs, Earnings and Cash flow forecasts; Debt Structure and “cash-sweep-in”, Cashing-out Horizon ad Terminal Value; Target IRR, & Backward induction; Computing returns to Investors, Debt Capacity and Affordable price.
- Delisting of Equity Shares: Rationale, SEBI Regulations on delisting, Procedure for delisting, Compulsory & Voluntary delisting.
- Employee Stock Option Scheme: Meaning, Types of ESOPs, and Regulatory Environment in India.
- Brand Valuation: Meaning, Rationale, Different Methods of Brand Valuation – Relief from Royalty; Excess Value Approach, Interbrand Approach.
Arzac Enrique R., (2008), Valuation for Mergers, Buyouts and Restructuring, Wiley.
DamodaranAswath,(2010), Damodaran on Valuation, Wiley India.
DePamphilis,Donald M. (2010), Mergers, Acquisitions, and Other Restructuring Activities, Elsevier.
Gaughan,Patrick A. (2011), Mergers, Acquisitions, and Corporate Restructuring, Wiley India.
Godbole,Prasad G. (2014) Mergers, Acquisitions and Corporate Restructuring, Vikas PublishingHouse (P) Ltd.
Koller,Tim Marc Goedhart, & David Wessels, (2005), Valuation: Measuring & Managing the value of Companies, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Weston, J. Fred, Mark L.Mitchell, J.HaroldMulherin, &PrashantSalwan, (2011) Takeovers, Restructuring and Corporate Governance, Pearson.
Course Objective: The objective of this course is to develop an integrated approach to measuring and managing all risks directed towards value maximization. The course lays emphasis on specific risks of businesses and apprises with the emerging technologies in current business environment.
- Risks of financial intermediation: Interest rate risk, market risk, credit risk, off balance sheet risk, technology and operational risk, foreign exchange risk, sovereign risk, liquidity risk, reputation risk, legal risk and other risks.
- Interest rate risk: The maturity model, the duration model, the repricing model.
- Market risk: Measurement, fixed income securities, foreign exchange, equities and portfolio aggregation
- Credit risk: individual loan risk, loan portfolio risk, The Credit Process, Credit Selection, Application of Credit Risk Measurement, Objectives of Credit Portfolio, Credit Risk Loss Distribution, Credit Rating Systems, Prediction of default and estimating credit default probability using multiple discriminate analysis and other methods; Credit risk management and credit scoring models
- Off balance sheet activities: Loan commitments, commercial letter of credit, derivative contracts, loans sold
- Operating cost and technology risk: Technological innovation and profitability, testing for economies of scale and economies of scope, risks in payment system
- Foreign exchange risk and sovereign risk.
- Liquidity risk: bank runs and deposit insurance
- Bank capital requirement under Basel I, Basel II and Basel III.
Philippe Jorion, (2010), Financial Risk Manager Handbook ,Wiley India.
Rejda George E.(2011), Principles of Risk Management and Insurance, Pearson Education New Delhi.
Chatterjee, DP (2011), Risk Management- An overview, Macmillan India Ltd
Bessis, Joel, (2009), Risk Management in Banking, Wiley India.
Hull, John C., SankarshanBasu, (2010), Options, Futures and Other Derivatives, Pearson Education, New Delhi
Stulz, R., (2007) Risk Management and Derivatives, Cengage Learning.
Course Objectives
- To make the students aware of the functioning of Indian business systems
- To prepare them for facing the realities in business
- To enable them to understand India in relation to the Western and global systems
Unit I
Indian economic environment – Indian economy from the ancient periods – Performance since 0 CE - Share of India in global economy- Industrial and Business sectors - Indian Economy under the British- Industry and Business - Performance of India and Other countries during 1700 -1950 CE
Unit II
Indian economy after Independence - Features of Indian Economic Systems – Family system, High Savings, Non-corporate sector as the base, Higher entrepreneurial activities, Social Capital, Value systems – Differences with the Western Economic Models – Capitalism – Communism – Features - Western Models are not universal –Impact of Culture, History and other factors on Economy
Unit III
Business Models: Western, Eastern and Indian Models – Features of Western Models – Weak Foundations- Universality of Models - Indian Business Models since Ancient times – Business During British Domination- Business in Independent India – Corporate Sector - MSMEs – Industrial and Business Clusters
Unit IV
Features of Indian Business Systems - Uniqueness – Success at national and global level- Self-made- Relationship base - Juggad – Innovation and improvements – Small Business and Entrepreneurship - Case Studies - India in the New World Order – Emergence at the global level
Unit V
Inflation- wholesale price index - consumer price index - measurement of inflation in India- money supply- interest rate- unemployment- controlling inflation- role of central bank - monetary and fiscal policies. Global Economic Slow Down and its impact on the Indian economy - Role of IMF, World Bank and WTO- India in the next decade.
- Kanagasabapathi, P. Indian Models of Economy, Business and Management, Third Edition, PHI Learning Ltd, New Delhi, 2012
- Agarwala, P.N, A Comprehensive History of Business in India, Tata McGraw Hill Ltd., New Delhi, 2001
- Dutt, Romesh, The Economic History of British India, Vols. I and II, Kegal Paul, Trench, Trubner, Great Britain, 1906
- Maddison, Angus, The World Economy – A Millennial Perspective, OECD, Paris, 2001
- Vaidyanthan, R, India Uninc., Westland Ltd., Chennai, 2014
- Suma Damodaran, Managerial Economics, Oxford University Press, 2010
- N.Gregory Mankiw, Principles of Macro Economics, Cengage Learning, 4th Edition, 2007.
Course Objective:
To acquire a detailed knowledge of various stages of projects from planning to implementation and review of projects
Unit – I
Planning and Analysis Planning and Analysis Overview: Phases of capital budgeting – Levels of decision making – Facets of project analysis - Objective.
Resource Allocation Framework: Key criteria for allocation of resource – Elementary investment strategies – Portfolio planning tools – Diversification - Interface between strategic planning and capital budgeting.
Unit – II
Financial Aspects of Project Financial Analysis: Estimation of cost of project and means of financing – Estimates of sales and production – Cost of production – Working capital requirement and it’s financing – Estimates of working results – Projected cash flow statement – Projected balance sheet.
Unit – III
Project cash flows: Basic principles – components of the cash flow streams - Appraisal criteria: Net Present Value – Benefit cost ratio – Internal rate of return - Urgency – Payback period – Accounting rate of return –Capital assets replacement decisions, Appraisal of projects having unequal lives- Investment appraisal in practice.
Analysis of Risk: Types and measures of project risk – Simple estimation of risk – Sensitivity analysis – Scenario analysis – MONTE CARLO simulation – Decision tree analysis – Selection of project – Risk analysis in practice.
Unit – IV
Social Cost Benefit Analysis (SCBA) and Environmental Appraisal Social Cost Benefit Analysis (SCBA): Rationale for SCBA – UNIDO approach to SCBA – Little and MIRRLEES approach to SCBA
Environmental Appraisal of projects: Meaning and scope of environment – Resources values – Environmental impact assessment and statement.
Unit – V
Network Techniques for Project Management and Project Review Network Techniques for Project Management: Development of project network - Time estimation - Determination of the critical path - Scheduling when resources are limited - PERT model - CPM model - Network cost system. Project review and administrative aspects: Initial review – Performance evaluation – Abandonment analysis – Administrative aspects – Evaluating the capital budgeting system of an organization.
(Appropriate cases will be discussed under each topic)
1. Prasanna Chandra, Project Planning: Analysis, Selection, Implementation and Review, Tata McGraw-Hill Education Private Limited, New Delhi,7/e, 2009.
2. Narendra Singh, Project Management and Control, Himalaya Publishing House, 5/e, Bengaluru, 2009. 3. Nicholas, Project Management for Business and Technology: Principles and Practice, Prentice Hall India,New Delhi, 2nd edition, 2006.
4. Gray & Larson, Project Management: The Managerial Process, TMH, 3/e, 2008.
5. Bhavesh M Patel, Project Management, Vikas Publishing House, 2005.
6. Choudhury, Project Management, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company limited, 1/e, 2006.
7. K Nagarajan, Project Management, New Age International, 2004.
Diploma Program in Entrepreneurship Development
(One Year Course)
The Diploma Program in Entrepreneurship Development aims to help hone the skills of budding entrepreneurs and business professionals by delivering a cutting edge inter disciplinary educational experience to graduate applicants with an aspiration of building a career in this field.
This is a one-year full time diploma programme is aimed at two sets of people:
- young entrepreneurs who will venture out in the world with new business ideas and
- upcoming business analytics professionals employable by leading Indian and foreign firms.
This programme is designed for those who have an analytical mind-set, are interested in tackling challenging business problems, and possess an inclination towards risk taking.
It would strive to combine academic rigor and social relevance and maintain plurality and diversity in form, content and methodology. It would also endeavour to foster strong Indian values centred on entrepreneurship, leadership and business ethics.
Course no. |
Course Title |
Credits |
Semester 1 |
SMED-1001 |
4 |
SMED-1002 |
4 |
SMED-1003 |
4 |
SMED-1004 |
4 |
SMED-1005 |
4 |
SMED-1006 |
4 |
SMED-1007 |
4 |
SMED-1008 |
4 |
SMED-1009 |
4 |
SMED-1010 |
4 |
Total Credits |
40 |
Semester 1
Course Objective:
- To understand the importance of entrepreneurship as a tool for development, the basic principles of entrepreneurship, the concept and basic principles of innovation.
- Develop familiarity with business plans.
- Develop insights about various financial Institutions.
- To learn the marketing basics that are essential for any business.
Unit – I
Introduction to Entrepreneurship: Definition of Entrepreneur Entrepreneurial Traits. Entrepreneur vs. Manager, Creating and Starting the venture: Sources of new ideas, methods of generating ideas, creative problem solving – Writing Business Plan, Evaluating Business Plans. Launching formalities.
Unit – II
Financing and Managing the new venture: Sources of capital, Record keeping, recruitment, motivating and leading teams, financial controls, Marketing and sales controls. E-commerce and entrepreneurship, Internet advertising- New venture Expansion Strategies and Issues.
Unit – III
Institutional/financial support: Schemes and functions of Directorate of Industries, District Industries Centers (DICs), Industrial Development Corporation (IDC), State Financial Corporation (SFCs), Small Scale Industries Development Corporations (SSIDCs). Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC), Technical Consultancy Organization (TCO), Small Industries Service Institute (SISI), National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC), Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI). Recent Initiatives from MUDRA
Unit – IV
Production and Marketing Management: Thrust areas of production management, Selection of production Techniques, Plant utilization and maintenance, Designing the work place, Inventory control, material handling and quality control. Marketing functions, market segmentation, market research and channels of distribution, Sales promotion and product pricing.
Unit – V
Labor legislation, Salient Provisions of Health, Safety, and Welfare under Indian Factories Act, Industrial Disputes Act, Employees State Insurance Act, Workmen’s Compensation Act and Payment of Bonus Act.
- Robert Hisrich, & Michael Peters: Entrepreneurship, TMH,2009. Dollinger: Entrepreneurship, Pearson, 2009.
- D Vasanth Desai, Dynamics of Entrepreneurial Development and Management, Himalaya Publishing House, 5th edition, New Delhi, 2015.
- Harvard Business Review on Entrepreneurship, HBR Paper Back.
- Robert J.Calvin: Entrepreneurial Management, TMH, 2009.
- Gurmeet Naroola: The entrepreneurial Connection, TMH, 2009.
- Bolton & Thompson: Entrepreneurs—Talent, Temperament and Techniques, Butterworth Heinemann, 2009.
- Agarwal: Indian Economy, Wishwa Prakashan 2009.
- B D Singh:Industrial Relations & Labour Laws, Excel, 2009.
- Aruna Kaulgud: Entrepreneurship Management by, Vikas publishing house, 2009.
Course objective:
- To teach students the importance of communication in business.
- The need to learn various forms of communication for successful business.
- Students need to be aware of various technologies used for communication in business.
Unit I: Business Communication
Communication in the Business world – Nature, Concepts, goals, process, types and levels of communication – Principles of communication - Organizational & personal goals – Channels & networks in the business world - Barriers and cost communication.
Unit II: Nonverbal Communication
Importance - Forms of nonverbal communication: Paralanguage, Kinesics, Proxemics, Sign language, Time language, Haptics, Personal appearance. Listening – types of listening.
Unit III: Verbal Communication
Oral and written communication – techniques of business writing – Business correspondence – e-mails, circular, notices, agenda, minutes, memorandum - different kinds of reports: annual report, status report, survey report, proposals – presentations – interviews – speeches- negotiation skills – group discussion – communicating to the public.
Unit IV: Business Language
Strategies for writing: profile of institutions, responding to enquiries and Complaints – Introduction to Marketing language – ‘You’ tone –captions & Eye catchers - Telephone and email etiquettes – Power point usage – Communicating with Stakeholders.
Unit V: Technology & Communication
Role of technology in business communication – Powerful technological tools for business communication - Online messages, Social media communication (facebook, myspace, twitter, Instagram etc) - Mobile communication, webpage, Blogs.
- Effective Business Communication : Herta A Murphy, Herbert W. Hildebrandt & Jane Thomas, Tata McGraw Hill 2008
- Communication for Business : Shirley Taylor Longman 2000
- Business Communication Strategies : Matthukutty M Monippally, Tata McGraw Hill, 2006.
- Raymond V Lesikar, John D Pettit, and Mary E Flatly, 2009. Lesikar’s Basic Business Communication, 11th ed. Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi.
- E.H. McGrath, S.J. 2012, Basic Managerial Skills for All. 9th ed. Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi.
Course objective:
- Ideas regarding business opportunities
- To teach step by step approach to building a business
- To know about the start-up financials and building a successful business.
Unit I: Startup Idea
Define your startup idea - Product basics - Build your team - Set up your startup
Unit II: Customer Discovery
Develop your value proposition - Build your Minimum Viable Product (MVP) - Customer Discovery
Unit III: Customer and market
Customer personas - Market sizing - Business Model Canvas (BMC) - Startup marketing - Create your brand
Unit IV: Startup financials
Financial planning tools - Financial models - Key financial metrics - Early sources of capital - Bootstrapping
Unit V: Build a business
Venture capital - Grow your team - Legal foundations - Define your success
- Bygrave, W., & Zacharakis, A. (2014). Entrepreneurship. (3rd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley & Sons. ISBN 9781118582893
- Opportunity Identification and Entrepreneurial Behavior, Edited by:John E. Butler, Hong Kong Polytechnic University A volume in the series: Research in Entrepreneurship and Management. Editor(s): John E. Butler, Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Published 2006.
- Strategies for Opportunity Identification: The Creative Process By: Lisa K. Gundry & Jill R. Kickul In: Entrepreneurship Strategy: Changing Patterns in New Venture Creation, Growth, and Reinvention DOI:
Course objective:
- To make the students learn about legal aspects of business and their nuances.
- To teach them about the new laws enacted related to GST
- To make them familiar with all the instruments of business laws.
Unit I: Introduction to Law and Company Law
Meaning of Law and its Significance; Relevance of Law to Modern Civilized Society; Sources of Law; Legal Terminology and Maxims; Understanding Citation of Cases – Meaning and Nature of Company; Promotion and Incorporation of a Company; Familiarization with the Concept of Board of Directors, Shareholders and Company Meetings; Company Secretary; E-Governance
Unit II: Elements of Law relating to Partnership
Nature of Partnership and Similar Organizations - Co-Ownership, HUF; Partnership Deed; Rights and Liabilities of Partners: New Admitted, Retiring and Deceased Partners; Implied Authority of Partners and its Scope; Registration of Firms; Dissolution of Firms and of the Partnership
Unit III: Elements of Law relating to Contract and GST
Contract - Meaning; Essentials of a Valid Contract; Nature and Performance of Contract; Termination and Discharge of Contract; Indemnity and Guarantee; Bailment and Pledge; Law of Agency. GST – Types – SGST, CGST, IGST – Rates- Procedures. GST counsel and its functions.
Unit IV: Elements of Law relating to Sale of Goods
Essentials of a Contract of Sale; Sale Distinguished from Agreement to Sell, Bailment, Contract for Work and Labour and Hire-Purchase; Conditions and Warranties; Transfer of Title by Non-Owners; Doctrine of Caveat Emptor; Performance of the Contract of Sale; Rights of Unpaid Seller
Unit V: Elements of Law relating to Negotiable Instruments
Definition of a Negotiable Instrument; Instruments Negotiable by Law and by Custom; Types of Negotiable Instruments; Parties to a Negotiable Instrument - Duties, Rights, Liabilities and Discharge; Material Alteration; Crossing of Cheques; Payment and Collection of Cheques and Demand Drafts; Presumption of Law as to Negotiable Instruments
1. Kapoor, N.D., Elements of Mercantile Law, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi, 2010
2. Tulsian, P.C., Business Law, Tata McGraw Hill Publications, New Delhi, 2009
3. Saravanavel and Sumati, Legal Systems in Business, Himalaya Publications, Bengaluru, 2010
4. M.C. Kuchhal Mercantile Law; Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi.
5. D. Chandra Bose Business Laws; PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.
6. Sen & Mitra Commercial Law; The World Press Pvt. Ltd., Calcutta.
In this course each student is required to produce a report on a Business Idea that is relevant in the Indian context. The report should be submitted within the first six weeks of the commencement of the semester. Then the student is required to make a presentation the report. The final grade will be based on both the report and the presentation.
Semester – 2
Course Objective:
- To study the need for innovation in today’s market economy.
- To understand the opportunities available and knowledge involved in business.
- To study about creating and sustaining the venture successfully.
Unit I
The Innovation Imperative - Innovation Globalization and Development
Sustainability Led Innovation and Sources of Innovation - Search Strategies for Innovation
Unit II
Business Opportunity Spotting - Opportunity Evaluation - Industry and Market Research - Strategy and Business Models
Unit III
Building the Case - Leadership and Team - Exploiting Networks Developing - Exploiting Knowledge and Intellectual Property
Unit IV
Business Plans - Entrepreneurial Finance - Financial Forecasting - Pitching to Resource Providers - Negotiating Deals - New Venture Creation
Unit V
Creating New Venture - New Products and Services - Developing Businesses - Talent through Corporate Venturing - Growing the Enterprise
Baron, R. A., Shane, S. A. and Reuber, A. R. Entrepreneurship: a process perspective. Toronto, ON: Thompson Nelson, 2008.
Type: Textbook: ISBN-10: 0176103341; ISBN-13: 9780176103347
Kawasaki, G. The art of the start: the time-tested, battle-hardened guide for anyone starting anything. 2.0 New York, NY: Penguin, 2015.
Type: Textbook: ISBN-13: 9781591847847
Osterwalder, A. and Pigneur, Y. Business model generation. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
Type: Textbook: ISBN-10 0470876417; ISBN-13 9780470876411
Wise, S. Hot or not: how to know if your business idea will fly or fail? . Ryerson Entrepreneur Institute, Toronto, ON: John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
Type: Textbook: ISBN-10 1468024493; ISBN-13 9781468024494 - Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 3rd ed., by John Bessant and Joe Tidd -ISBN: 978-1-118-99309-5
- Online:
Course Objective
1. To know marketing from environment and product orientation
2. To understand the fundamentals of marketing function.
3. To learn the skills required for marketing function.
4. To know the buying behavior of consumers.
5. To understand various marketing areas of study
Unit I: Introduction
Marketing – Definition – importance – scope – core concepts. Marketing Environment – different types. Marketing mix – product and service. New product development and management – factors – process. Product life cycle - strategies.
Unit II: Marketing Mix Decisions
Market segmentation – meaning – bases. Targeting – strategies. Positioning – how – ways. Advertising – decisions. Pricing – objectives – methods – types - strategies.
Unit III: Channel Management and Sales
Sales promotions- significance- decisions. Personal selling-principles-theories-skills. Sales force management – recruiting – selection – motivating- evaluation. Channel management – decisions – systems – integration – conflict – cooperation – competition. Building and measuring customer satisfaction.
Unit IV: Buyer Behavior
Industrial and consumer buyer behavior – decision making process – differences – influence. Customer relationship management – process –strategies. Service marketing – characteristics – classifications. Cause related marketing.
Unit V: Marketing Research and Strategy
Research process in marketing. Retail management, Rural marketing-importance-facts-myths. Green marketing. Online marketing trends. Marketing strategies – key drivers.
- Philip Kotler, Keller, Koshy, Jha, Marketing Managemnt, Pearson Education Inc 13th Edition 2009.
- Rajan Saxena, Marketing Management, Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd, 2009.
- KS Chandrasekar, Marketing Management- Text and Cases, Tata McGrawHill Vijaynicole, First edition, 2010.
- Paul Baines, Chris Fill and Kelly Oage, Marketing, Oxford University Press, 2nd Edition,2011.
- Lamb, Hair, Sharma, Mc Daniel – Marketung – “ An Innovative approach to learning and teaching – A south asian perspective, Cengage Learning – 2012.
Course Objective
- To provide knowledge about management issues related to staffing, training, performanceand compliance with human resource requirement
- To understand the emerging trends of human resource in industries
- To understand about training and development needs
- To understand the modern compensation system
Unit I: Perspectives in Human Resource Management
Evolution of human resource management- The importance of human factor- challenges – inclusive growth and affirmative action-Role of human resource manager- human resource policies- Computer applications in human resource management- human resource accounting and auditing
Unit II: The Concept of Best Fit Employees
Importance of Human resource planning –Forecasting human resource requirement- matching the demand and supply- Internal and external sources. Recruitment- selection-Tests-Interview –Induction –Socialization benefits
Unit III: Training and Executive Development
Types of training methods-purpose-benefits-resistance. Executive development Program -Common practiced-Benefits-self development –Knowledge management
Unit IV: Sustaining Employee Interest
Compensation plan-Reward-Motivation – Incentives- Career management- Development of mentor- Protégé relationships.
Unit V: Performance Evaluation and Control Process
Method of performance evaluation-Feed back-Industry practices. Promotion, Demotion, Transfer and separation – Implication of job change. The control process- importance –Methods- Requirement of effective control systems and grievances – Causes – Implications –Redressal methods
- Dessler human resource management .Pearson Education limited 2007
- Aswathappa-Human resource management –Mc Graw hill, Sixth Edition, 2007
- Luis R Gomez-Mejia,David B Balkin ,Robert L Cardy Managing human resource PHI Learing 2012
- Bernadin, Human resource management, Tata McGraw hill 8th edition 2012
- Wayne Casico, Managing human resource McGraw hill 2007.
Course Objective
1. To learn about Indian ethos and its relevance today
2. To assist and guide the student in understanding value systems and its impact on business.
3. To know the Indian philosophy of knowing oneself and concepts from ancient texts.
4. To know the innovations in the social sector and sustaining in social sector businesses.
5. To understand the compelling social sector solutions in India.
Unit I: Indian Ethos
Indian Ethos - Indian work ethos and principles of Indian Management - Economics of giving - Western economic system. Developing and implementing gross national happiness. Cases
Unit II: Values and Ethics
Formation of values - Application of values - Personal values and organizational commitment - Values for managers - Business leadership and value attributes - Business ethics - Perspectives on ethics - Cases
Unit III: Indian Philosophical System and Indian Management Thought
Indian Philosophical system - Nature of mind - Personality attributes based on Gunas - Human values and five sheaths - Indian Ethos and corporate governance - Indian constitution and Unity in diversity. Bhagavad Gita and Management - Chanakya Neethi on leadership - Thirukural and Management - Cases
Unit IV: Social Innovation
Qualities of social innovation, social enterprise and social entrepreneurship. Approaches to problem solving. Social initiatives that is truly innovative in their approach to delivering on their mission, sustaining their venture, or scaling their impact.
Unit V: Compelling Social Sector Solutions to India
Instant access to healthcare - Public transportation – Sanitation - Waste management – Pollution - Easy access to quality education – Electricity - Safety of women - Access to clean drinking - Water – Crime – Corruption - Sustainable Living – Education - Neighborhood Cleanliness - Economic independence
- Nandagopal.R and Ajith Sankar R.N. Indian Ethos and Values in Management, ISBN – 978-0-07-106779-9. Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Ltd, 2011.
- Khandelwal.N.M, Indian Ethos and Values for Managers, ISBN 978-93-5024-452-4, 3rd Edition, Himalaya Publishing House, 2011.
- Management Thoughts in Thirukkural by K. Nagarajan – ANMOL Publications PVT Ltd 4374/4B Ansari Road, New Delhi 110 002. 2010
- Dr. Radhakrishnan Pillai, Corporate Chanakya, ISBN 978-81-8495-133-2, Jaico Publishing House, 2016
- Soham, LEEP (Life Empowerment and Enrichment Program), ISBN 9788175977259 Central Chinmaya Mission Trust, 2017.
In this course, as in the previous semester, each student is required to produce a report on a Business Idea that is relevant in the Indian context. The business idea explored here must be different from the one explored in the previous semester. The report should be submitted within the first six weeks of the commencement of the semester. Then the student is required to make a presentation the report. The final grade will be based on both the report and the presentation.
Ph.D. in Business Administration
It is a full-time doctoral programme that offers students opportunities for advanced studies and research in different specializations related to Management Science, Entrepreneurship and Economics. The Programme aims to prepare students for careers in teaching and research in management studies, entrepreneurship, economics and in related disciplines, and for careers in the government, in industry, and in other organizations that require advanced analytical and research capabilities. This programme will strictly comply with UGC rules.
There will be a one-year course work where each student must earn a minimum of 16-credit points. The course work has a two-tier structure: it consists of a core curriculum (compulsory credit courses) in the first semester and elective courses (optional courses in the second semester). Each student is required to choose electives in consultation with his/her faculty advisor.
The course work will be followed by a Phd dissertation which should be completed within the stipulated time as prescribed by UGC guidelines.
PhD in Business Administration
(One year course work)
Course No. |
Course Title |
Credits |
Semester 1 |
SMEPhD 1001 |
4 |
SMEPhD 1002 |
4 |
Course number will depend on the elective chosen |
4 |
Course number will depend on the elective chosen |
4 |
Total Credits |
16 |
Course No. |
Course Title |
Credits |
SMEPhD 1003 |
4 |
SMEPhD 1004 |
4 |
SMEPhD 1005 |
4 |
SMEPhD 1006 |
4 |
SMEPhD 1007 |
4 |
SMEPhD 1008 |
4 |
SMEPhD 1009 |
4 |
SMEPhD 1010 |
4 |
Course Objective
To familiarize the students to the principles of scientific methodology in business enquiry; to develop analytical skills of business research; to develop the skills for scientific communications
Unit I: Introduction
Meaning, objectives and motivations in research – Characteristics and limitations of research – Components of research work - Criteria of good research – Research process – Types of Research: Fundamental, Pure or Theoretical Research –Applied Research –Descriptive Research – Evaluation Research –Experimental Research –Survey Research – Qualitative Research – Quantitative Research –Historical Research.
Unit II: Research Design
Research Design – definition – essentials and types of research design – errors and types of errors in research design. Research problem: Selecting and analyzing the research problem – problem statement formulation – formulation of hypothesis. Literature review: purpose, sources, and importance - literature review procedure. Objectives: Learning Objectives; Definitions; Formulation of the research objectives.
Unit III: Measurement. Scaling and Sampling
Variables in Research – Measurement and scaling – Different scales – Construction of instrument – Validity and Reliability of instrument. Data Collection methods – primary and secondary data – Construction of questionnaire and instrument – validation of instruments. Sample size determination - Sample design and sampling techniques.
Unit IV: Data Analysis and Tools
Processing of Data: Editing of Data – Coding of Data – Classification of Data –Statistical Series. Qualitative Vs Quantitative data analyses – Univariate, Bivariate and Multivariate statistical techniques – Measures of Central Tendency, Dispersion, correlation and Regression, Chi-square test: Applications, Steps, characteristics, limitations, Analysis of Variance and Co-variance.
Factor analysis – Discriminant analysis – cluster analysis – multiple regression and correlation – multidimensional scaling – Conjoint Analysis - Application of statistical software for data analysis.
Unit V: Research Report Writing
Research report – Different types – Contents of report –executive summary – chapterization – contents of chapter – report writing – the role of audience – readability – comprehension – tone – final proof – report format – title of the report – Ethical issues in research: Code of Ethics in Research – Ethics and Research Process – Importance of Ethics in Research
- Creswell, J. (2008) Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches, 3rd Edition; SAGE Publications
- Kothari C.K. (2004) 2/e, Research Methodoloy – Methods and Techniques (New Age International, New Delhi)
- Donald R. Cooper, Pamela S. Schindler and J K Sharma, Business Research methods, 11th Edition, Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi, 2012.
- Uma Sekaran and Roger Bougie, Research methods for Business, 5th Edition, Wiley India, New Delhi, 2012.
- Krishnswamy, K.N., Shivkumar, Appa Iyer and Mathiranjan M. (2006) Management Research Methodology; Integration of Principles, Methods and Techniques (Pearson Education, New Delhi).
Course Objective
1. To Formulate and construct a mathematical model for a linear programming problem in real life situation.
2. To enable the students to have strong knowledge of Planning, Designing and solving the transportation and assignment problems.
3. To Understand the concept of Queuing models and applies appropriate queuing Models
4. To Study the issues related to replacement models.
5. To Acquaint the knowledge and the concepts of inventory control for solving production problems.
Unit I: Introduction to Linear Programming (LP)
Introduction to applications of operations research in functional areas of management-Solution and implementation-Linear Programming-Formulation-Graphical method- Simplex method- Two phase simplex Method.
Unit II: Transportation and Assignment Models
Transportation model - Initial solutions using Vogel’s Approximation Method- Check for optimality- MODI method- Assignment models - Hungarian method - Travelling Salesman problem.
Unit III: Queuing Theory
Queuing Theory – Single and Multi-channel models – finite and infinite number of customers finite and infinite calling source.
Unit IV: Replacement Models
Replacement Models-Individuals replacement Models (With and without time value of money) – Group Replacement Models.
Unit V: Inventory Models and Simulation
Inventory models- EOQ and EBQ Models (With and without shortages), Quantity Discount Models. Monte-Carlo simulation.
- Kalavathy S, Operational Research, Second edition 2002.
- Hamdy A Taha, Introduction to Operations Research, Prentice Hall India, Seventh Edition, Third Indian Reprint 2004.
- Paneerselvam R, Operations Research, Prentice Hall of India, Fourth Print, 2008.
Course Objective:
Econometrics is a set of research tools used to estimate and test economic relationships. The methods taught in this introductory course can also be employed in the business disciplines of accounting, finance, marketing and management and in many social science disciplines. The aim of this course is to provide you with the skills helpful in filling the gap between being “a student of economics” and being “a practicing economist.” By taking this introduction to econometrics you will gain an overview of what econometrics is about, and develop some “intuition” about how things work. The emphasis of this course will be on understanding the tools of econometrics and applying them in practice
Unit I: Introduction
Meaning, definition and scope of econometrics – types and methodology of econometrics – importance of stochastic assumptions – random variables- functions of random variables.
Unit II: Cross Sectional Data and Panel Data
Nature of Heteroscedasticity- OLS estimation in the presence of Heteroscedasticity- Method of Generalized Least Squares (GLS) - Consequences of using OLS in the presence of Heteroscedasticity- Direction of Heteroscedasticity- Remedial measures- Method of weighted of weighted least squares.
The nature of qualitative response models- The linear probability model- The Logit model- The Probit model -The Tobit model -Estimation of panel data regression model.
Unit III: Time Series Analysis
Time series analysis: Time series vs Cross section data, pooling micro data, approaches to economic forecasting – stationary time series - transforming non-stationary time series. Regression of a Unit root time series on another unit root time series – Estimation and forecasting with vector Autoregression (VAR).
Unit IV: Lag Models
The role of “time” or” lag” in economics- The reasons for lags- Estimation of distributed-lag models- the Koyck approach to distributed-lag model- The Almon or Polynomial distributed-lag- The Granger Causality Test.
Unit V: Econometric Methods with CA
Introduction to maximum likelihood estimation – maximum likelihood applied to a linear regression model – transformation of variables and maximum likelihood – Using SPSS, E-Views and STATA packages.
1. William H. Greene “Econometric Analysis,” Pearson Education.
2. A.Koutsoyiannis, “Theory of Econometrics: An Introductory Exposition of Econometric Methods”, Educational Low-Priced Books Scheme, McMillan Education Ltd.,(1992).
3. Damodar Gujarathi “Basic Econometrics”, Tata MCGraw Hill Ltd,1999.4th ed.
4. Dr. M. Upender, “Applied Econometrics,” Vrinda Publications (P) Ltd.
5. Peijewang “Financial Econometrics: Methods and Models” Routledge – Taylor & Francis Gorup – Vikas Publishing House, Pvt Ltd.
Course Objective:
- To enable the research student to understand the emerging areas in business.
- All the areas are covered to give an insight in to different opportunities available in business.
- It helps the students to appreciate other businesses as an equivalent.
Unit I
Business analytics - Cloud computing - Artificial intelligence - 5G technology - Internet of things
Unit II
Food technology management – Water resource management - Construction engineering – low cost housing
Unit III
Energy – Solar, thermal, Hydro, storage – smart grid – electricity generation. Agricultural innovation and instrumentation engineering.
Unit IV
Product Analytics & Modeling - – Robotics - Innovative Product Development, engineering design with technical communication. Reverse Engineering,
Unit V
Medical technology innovation - Bioengineering and medicine – Healthcare Analytics - Pharmacy – Veterinary – Alternative medicine.
Note: Students are expected to surf the web for content of the syllabus given and expected to acquire the knowledge related to business opportunities in these areas. References given are only a sample. This course is completely a student oriented learning module.
- Business Analytics : Data Analysis and Decision Making 5th Edition (English, Paperback, S. Christian Albright, Wayne L. Winston) Publisher: Cengage Learning - ISBN: 9788131526613, 8131526615 Edition: 5th Edition, 2015
- Business Analytics for Managers : Taking Business Intelligence Beyond Reporting (English, Paperback, Gert H. N. Laursen, Jesper Thorlund) Publisher: Wiley ISBN: 9788126544127, 8126544120 Edition: 2013
- Internet of Things: A Hands-On Approach Paperback – 2015 by Arsheep Bahga (Author), Vijay Madisetti (Author), Orient Blackswan Private Limited - New Delhi; First edition (2015) ISBN-10: 8173719543 ISBN-13: 978-8173719547
- Cloud Computing: A Hands-on Approach Paperback – 2014 by Arshdeep Bahga (Author), Vijay Madisetti (Author) Orient Blackswan; 1ST edition (2014) ISBN-10: 8173719233 ISBN-13: 978-8173719233
Course Objective:
To provide students an exposure to various aspects of business innovation and opportunities thereof.
Unit 1
The Innovation Imperative - Innovation Globalization and Development
Sustainability Led Innovation and Sources of Innovation - Search Strategies for Innovation
Unit 2
Business Opportunity Spotting - Opportunity Evaluation - Industry and Market Research - Strategy and Business Models
Unit 3
Building the Case - Leadership and Team - Exploiting Networks Developing - Exploiting Knowledge and Intellectual Property
Unit 4
Business Plans - Entrepreneurial Finance - Financial Forecasting - Pitching to Resource Providers - Negotiating Deals - New Venture Creation
Unit 5
Creating New Venture - New Products and Services - Developing Businesses - Talent through Corporate Venturing - Growing the Enterprise
Baron, R. A., Shane, S. A. and Reuber, A. R. Entrepreneurship: a process perspective. Toronto, ON: Thompson Nelson, 2008.
Type: Textbook: ISBN-10: 0176103341; ISBN-13: 9780176103347
Kawasaki, G. The art of the start: the time-tested, battle-hardened guide for anyone starting anything. 2.0 New York, NY: Penguin, 2015.
Type: Textbook: ISBN-13: 9781591847847
Osterwalder, A. and Pigneur, Y. Business model generation. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
Type: Textbook: ISBN-10 0470876417; ISBN-13 9780470876411
Wise, S. Hot or not: how to know if your business idea will fly or fail? . Ryerson Entrepreneur Institute, Toronto, ON: John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
Type: Textbook: ISBN-10 1468024493; ISBN-13 9781468024494 - Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 3rd ed., by John Bessant and Joe Tidd -ISBN: 978-1-118-99309-5
- Online:
Course Objective
1. To learn about Indian ethos and its relevance today
2. To assist and guide the student in understanding value systems and its impact on business.
3. To know the Indian philosophy of knowing oneself.
4. To understand the management functions with Indian perspective.
5. To know management concepts from ancient texts.
Unit I: Indian Ethos and Values
Indian Ethos - Indian work ethos and principles of Indian Management - Economics of giving - Developing and implementing gross national happiness. Formation of values - Application of values - Business leadership and value attributes - Cases
Unit II: Indian Philosophical System
Indian Philosophical system - Nature of mind - Personality attributes based on Gunas - Human values and five sheaths - Indian Ethos and corporate governance - Indian constitution and Unity in diversity – Cases
Unit III: Indian Management Thoughts
Bagavad Gita and Management - Chanakya Neethi on leadership - Thirukural and Management – Cases
Unit IV: Indian Economic System
Indian economy after Independence - Features of Indian Economic Systems – Family system, High Savings, Non-corporate sector as the base, Higher entrepreneurial activities, Social Capital, Value systems – Differences with the Western Economic Models – Capitalism – Communism – Features - Western Models are not universal –Impact of Culture, History and other factors on Economy
Unit V: Indian Business Models
Business Models: Western, Eastern and Indian Models – Features of Western Models – Weak Foundations- Universality of Models - Indian Business Models since Ancient times – Business During British Domination- Business in Independent India – Corporate Sector - MSMEs – Industrial and Business Clusters
- Kanagasabapathi, P. Indian Models of Economy, Business and Management, Third Edition, PHI Learning Ltd, New Delhi, 2012
- Agarwala, P.N, A Comprehensive History of Business in India, Tata McGraw Hill Ltd., New Delhi, 2001
- Dutt, Romesh, The Economic History of British India, Vols. I and II, Kegal Paul, Trench, Trubner, Great Britain, 1906
- Maddison, Angus, The World Economy – A Millennial Perspective, OECD, Paris, 2001
- Vaidyanthan, R, India Uninc., Westland Ltd., Chennai, 2014
- Nandagopal.R and Ajith Sankar R.N. Indian Ethos and Values in Management, ISBN – 978-0-07-106779-9. Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Ltd, 2011.
- Khandelwal.N.M, Indian Ethos and Values for Managers, ISBN 978-93-5024-452-4, 3rd Edition, Himalaya Publishing House, 2011.
- Management Thoughts in Thirukkural by K. Nagarajan – ANMOL Publications PVT Ltd 4374/4B Ansari Road, New Delhi 110 002. 2010
- Dr. Radhakrishnan Pillai, Corporate Chanakya, ISBN 978-81-8495-133-2, Jaico Publishing House, 2016
- Soham, LEEP (Life Empowerment and Enrichment Program), ISBN 9788175977259 Central Chinmaya Mission Trust, 2017.
Course objective: This course provides a good understanding about the advance topics in econometrics. Students can apply the knowledge gain from this course to pursue their own empirical research.
- Qualitative Response Regression Models: Nature of qualitative response models, LPM (Linear Probability Model),Applications of LPM and its problems, Alternatives to LPM: The Logit Model and Probit Model, Extention of probit model: Tobit Model(censored regression model), Modelling count data: The poission regression model.
- Panel data regression Models:
Traditional panel data models: advantage of panel data, linear panel data model, Different method of Estimation : Fixed effect model and Random effect model, FEM v/s REM (Hausman test).
Dynamic Heterogeneous Panels: Bias in the simple OLS estimators, FEM and REM and its solutions, bias of heterogeneous slope parameters and its solutions, (Mean group (MG) and Pooled Mean Group (PMG))
Non stationary panels: Panel Unit root tests: Levin and Lin test(LL), ImPesaran and Shin test (IPS), Mandala and Wu test(MW); Panel cointegration tests: Kao test, McCoskey and kao test, Pedroni test , Larsson et al, test.
- Dynamic Econometric Models: Role of lag; distributive lag model: Koyck and Almon transformation, other models of lag structure; Autoregressive models: Partial adjustment models, adaptive expectation model, estimation of autoregressive models, Testing autocorrelation in autoregressive model; Granger causality test.
- Simultaneous Equation Models: Nature of simultaneous equations, simultaneous equation bias, identification problem and its conditions, Instrument variables, Estimation of a just identified equation: Method of Indirect least square(ILS), Estimation of a over identified equation: Method of two stage least squares(2SLS).
Asteriou, D and Stephen Hall (2011) Applied Econometrics, 2nd Edition, Palgrave Macmillan.
Baltagi, B.H. (2013), Econometric analysis of panel data , 5th Edition New York, John Wiley and Sons Ltd.
Cameron, A. and P. Trivedi (2005), Microeconometrics: Methods and Applications, Cambridge Press University.
Cameron, A. and P. Trivedi (2013), Regression analysis of count data, 2nd Edition, Cambridge Press University.
Davidson, R. and J.MacKinnon (2004), Econometric theory and methods, Oxford, Oxford university press.
Hsiao, C. (2003), Analysis of panel data, 2nd Edition, Cambridge University Press
Maddala, G. (1983), Limited-dependent and qualitative variables in econometrics
Cambridge , Cambridge University Press
Wooldridge, J.M. (2010), Econometric analysis of cross-section and panel data,
2nd Edition, Cambridge, Mass. MIT Press.
Wooldridge, J.M. (2012), Introductory econometrics: a modern approach, 5th Edition, Cengage Learning.
Course objective: The objective of this course is to provide students with an overview and in-depth knowledge of quantitative techniques used for forecasting and their application. This includes techniques that range from simple ones like moving averages and smoothing techniques to more sophisticated ones like regression models, ARIMA (and related) models, VAR and VECM models, Causality testing and ARCH and GARCH models to test volatility.
- Forecasting Theory and Methods: Overview and Types of Forecasts
- Forecasting with a Single-Equation Regression Model: Unconditional Forecasting, Forecasting with Serially Correlated Errors, Conditional Forecasting
- Smoothing and Extrapolation of Time Series: Simple Extrapolation Models, Smoothing and Seasonal Adjustment
- Properties of Stochastic Time Series: Characterizing Time Series: the Autocorrelation Function, Stationarity, Random Walk, Testing for Random Walks, Co-integrated Time Series
- Linear Time Series: Moving Average Models, Autoregressive Models, Mixed Autoregressive and Moving Average Models, Homogeneous Non-Stationary Processes: ARIMA Models, Box-Jenkins Methodology, Specification of ARIMA Models, SARIMA, ARMAX Models
- Forecasting with Time Series Models: Computing a Forecast, The Forecast Error,Properties of ARIMA Forecasts
- Causality , Exogeneity, VAR, Impulse Response Functions, Volatility Measurement, Modeling and Forecasting: The ARCH Process, The GARCH Process
- Box, George E.P., Gwilym M. Jenkings and Gregory C. Reinsel (2009) Time Series Analysis: Forecasting and Control 3rdEdn. Pearson Education
- Enders, Walter (2004) Applied Econometric Time Series. Wiley
- Evans, Michael K. (2003). Practical Business Forecasting. UK: Blackwell.
- Hanke, John E. and Dean W. Wichern (2005). Business Forecasting. 8thEdn. New Delhi: Pearson-Prentice Hall
- Makridakis, Spyros, Steven C. Wheelwright and Rob J. Hyndman (1998). Forecasting: Methods and Applications. 3rdEdn. USA: John Wiley and Sons
- Pindyck, Robert S. and Daniel L. Rubinfeld. (1997). Econometric Models and Economic Forecasts. 3rdEdn. New York: McGraw Hill.
- Stock, James H. and Mark W. Watson (2014). Introduction to Econometrics. 3rdEdn. Pearson Education Addison Wesley
Course objective: The papers would prepare students about the cooperative and non-cooperative games which firm play as a pricing and output strategy.
- Strategic games : Concepts of dominance, pure and mixed strategy Nash equilibrium
- Extensive games : Backward induction outcomes in games with perfect information, subgame perfect equilibrium in games with imperfect information; Rubinstein bargaining solution
- Repeated games : Nash folk theorems; finitely and infinitely repeated games
- Static and dynamic games of incomplete information : Bayesian-Nash equilibrium, perfect Bayesian equilibrium and sequential equilibrium
- Cooperative games: Nash bargaining solution, concepts of core, shapely value etc.
- Dixit Avinash and Susan Skeath: Games of strategy, w w Norton& company, New York. London
- Fudenberg D. and J. Tirole (1994): Game theory, Cambridge, Mass, MIT Press.
- Gibbons, R. (1992): Game theory for applied economists, Princeton, Princeton University Press
- Kreps D. (1990) : A course in microeconomic theory, Princeton ,Princeton University Press.
- Mas-Colell A., J. Green and M.Whinston (1995): Microeconomic theory,U.K.Ooxford University Press.
- Myerson R. (1997): Game theory: analysis of conflict,USA, Harvard University Press.
- Osborne M. and A. Rubinstein (1994): A course in game theory, Cambridge, Mass, MIT Press.
- Osborne Martin J. An Introduction to game theory, , Oxford universiy press
- Shubik M. (1982): Game theory in the social sciences, Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press.
Course Objective: The objective of this course is to make students aware about structure and growth of cities in an economy. It also highlights the need and importance of urban transport.
- Introduction: Development of cities ,Alfred Weber's theory of industrial location, theory of agglomerations, functions and economic interest of transport, characteristics, transport and economic development ,transport and urban development.
- The Internal Structure of Cities: The monocentric model of the city, Urban hierarchies and central place theory, the contemporary city and suburbanization sprawl, economics of housing markets, land use patterns and controls
- Urban Poverty: The role of space, policy responses
- Overview of local government
- Growth of cities in India, looking to the future
- Economic analysis transport : Economic theory, transport as an economic activity, cost of transport, pricing of transport services, law of diminishing returns and economics of scale, transport policy and development in a changing environment, assessment of present and proposed transport policy and legislation, environment cost of transport, transport regulation
- Road freight transport
- Road passenger transport :Introduction to passenger transport, macro and micro passenger transport
Andrew C. K. (1993) :Why regions grow: a review of research on the economic base model, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta economic review, 16-29.
Berube A. and Forman B. (2002) :Living on the Edge, decentralization within cities in the 1990s, the living cities census series, The Brookings Institution (October 2002)
Button K.J. (1976) :The use of economics in urban travel demand modeling, a survey, socio-economic planning sciences, 10(2) : 57-66
Button K.J.(1993) :Transport Economics, UK, Edward Elgar
Button, K.J. and Pearman A. (1985) :Applied transport economics: a practical case study approach, London, Gordon and Breach
Coulson, N.E. (1991): Really useful tests of the monocentric model land economics, Land economics, 67(3), 299-307.
Ellen, I. G. and Schwartz, A.E.(2000):No easy answers: cautionary notes for competitive cities, The Brookings, review, 18(3), 43–45
Glaeser, Edward L.(1998) Are cities dying? Journal of economic perspectives, 12(1), 139-160.
Jose G.-I., Tye W.B., Winston C. (1999): Essays in transportation economics and policy, a handbook in honor of John R. Meyer, Washington D.C, The Brookings Institution Press
Kenneth A. S. (1993) Urban traffic congestion, a new approach to the gordian knot, the Brookings review, 11(2), 6-11.
McLean, M. L., and Voytek K.P. (1992) :Understanding your economy, using analysis to guide local strategic planning, 2nd ed, Chicago, Planners Press
Mieszkowski, P., and Mills, E.S. (1993): The causes of metropolitan suburbanization, Journal of economic perspectives, 7(1), 135-147.
Molly O’Meara S. (2002): What will it take to halt sprawl, world watch, 15(1), 12-23.
Naik N.T.K and Mansoor S. R. (2007): Urbanisation of India. New Delhi, Eastern Book Corporation.
O’ Sullivan, A. (2003) : Urban economics, Boston, MA, Irwin McGraw-Hill
Peiser R.B. (1989): Density and urban sprawl, Land economics , 65(3), 193-204.
Peter G. and Richardson H. (1989): Notes from the underground: the failure of urban mass transit, The public interest, 94, 77-86
Porter M.E. (1998): Clusters and the new economic competition, Harvard business review, 76 (6), 77-90
Singh S. K. (2000): Technical characteristics and efficiency of the Indian state road transport undertakings?,Indian journal of transport management, 24(8): 533-543.
Singh S. K. (2005): Review of urban transportation in India? Journal of public transportation, 8(1): 79-97
Sivaramakrishnan, K.C., Kundu A. and Singh B.N. (2005): Handbook of urbanization in India. New Delhi: Oxford University Press
Timothy J. B. (1994): Jobs, productivity, and local economic development: what implications does economic research have for the role of government? national tax Journal , 47(4), 847-862.
Timothy J. B. et al (1987) :Saturn and state economic development, forum for applied research and public policy, 2 (1), 29- 40