The workshop is intended to provide an opportunity to the participants to upgrade their knowledge in recent advances in Information Technology with special focus on research issues in cloud computing. The workshop will cover:
Technologies for creating Cloud Computing Environment on a Network of Computers
Tools for building Cloud applications
Guidelines for introducing cloud computing courses and initiating innovative R&D projects.
Cloud computing has recently emerged as one of the buzzwords in the IT industry. Numerous IT vendors are promising to offer computation, storage, and application hosting services and to provide coverage in several continents, offering service level agreements (SLA) backed performance and uptime promises for their services. While these clouds are the natural evolution of traditional data centers, they are distinguished by exposing resources (computation, data, and applications) as standards-based Web services and following a utility pricing model where customers are charged based on their utilization of computational resources, storage, and transfer of data. They offer subscription-based access to infrastructure, platforms, and applications that are popularly referred to as IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service), PaaS (Platformas a Service), and SaaS (Software as a Service).
Cloud Computing being in nascent stage requires a good amount of research in the very area of System management, Data management, Network management etc. The workshop is intended to do the same.
Topics to be Covered
Foundations of Cloud Computing
Cloud Architectures
Cloud Computing Platforms
Platform for building Clouds and their Innovative Application
Building Enterprise Cloud Computing Environment using a Network of Computers
Application Case Studies in Engineering, Image Processing, and Media Rendering
Research in Cloud Computing
Guidelines for setting up of CLOUDS LAB