1. Ph.D. on the topic of "Sohrab Sepahri`s contribution to the Modern Persian poetry", Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi (India), 2002
2. Pre-Ph.D. (wrote a research paper on the topic of "Allegory in Modern Persian poetry", Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi (India), 1997
3. M.A. in Persian, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, 1996
4. M.A. in History, IGNOU, New Delhi, 2010
5. B.A. (Hons.) in Geography, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, 1994
6. Persian Language and Literature Enhancement Course (Advanced Level),Tarbiat Modarres University, Tehran, 2001
7. Junior Research Fellowship or JRF (Persian), UGC, New Delhi, June 1997
8. National Eligibility Test or NET (Urdu), UGC, New Delhi, Dec.1996.
9. Diploma in Arabic, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, 1993
10. Advance Diploma in Urdu Mass Media, JNU, New Delhi, 2001
11. Advance Persian Refresher Course, IK International University, Qazvin, Iran, 2015
Indo-Persian Studies, Silk Route Region, Persian sources of History And Culture, Sufism, Indian Knowledge Tradition, Modern Persian Literature, Amir Khusraw, Bedil, Dara Shukoh, Rumi & Nawai.
26 years
- Chairperson, Centre of Persian & Central Asian Studies, School of Language, Literature and Culture Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi-110067 since 2022.
- Professor, Centre of Persian & Central Asian Studies, School of Language, Literature and Culture Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi-110067 since 2016.
- Visiting Professor in the Oriental Studies University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, May 2019
- Associate Professor, Centre of Persian & Central Asian Studies, School of Language, Literature and Culture Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi-110067, 2013-2016.
- Senior Assistant Professor, Centre of Persian & Central Asian Studies, School of Language, Literature and Culture Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi-110067; 2005-2013.
- Assistant Professor, Centre of Persian & Central Asian Studies, School of Language, Literature and Culture Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi-110067 since 2001-2005.
- Part-Time Lecturer, Centre of Persian & Central Asian Studies, School of Language, Literature and Culture Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, 2001.
- Part-Time Lecturer, Department of Persian, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi-110025, 1997-2001.
b. Research:
Number of Research Scholars guided:
- Ph.D - continuing- 06, submitted-03, awarded-37, Total -46
- M. Phil. - continuing- 0, submitted-0, awarded-37, Total 37
3. Post-Doctoral Research - continuing- 0, submitted-3, Total -03
- Received Presidential award Maharshi Badrayan Vyas Samman - 2018 for contribution to Persian Language and Literature.
- International Saadi Award from the Saadi Foundation, Teheran, Iran, 2020
- Visiting Professor in the prestigious Oriental Studies University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 2019
- Postal Stamp released in the honor in the year 2019 from the Postal department, Govt. of India.
- Academic Coordinator, ICCR International Conference (Ministry of External Affairs) on Mirza Bedil and his legacy, Chandigarh, July 22-23, 2017
- Delhi Urdu Academy, Delhi gave away Urdu Academy Award for the book Maqalat e Arshi, 2011
- Bihar Urdu Academy, Patna gave away Qazi Abdul Wadood Award for the book Maqalat e Arshi, 2010
- Allama Iqbal award for best paper, by ECO, Tehran, Iran, 2015
- Excellence Award- 2019, Lawabali Dargah, Hyderabad, 2019
- A 25 minutes documentary film is made on my literary work and poetry by Sahar TV, Iran, 2010.
- Invited as the Guest of Honor by Governor of Novoi province of Uzbekistan at the 3rd International Conference on “The significance of the Creative Inheritance of Alisher Navoi in the Spiritual and Educational Development of Humankind” held in Navoi, Uzbekistan from 6 to 7 February 2019
- Invited as the keynote speaker in the National Seminar on Patriotism in Literature and the need for the patriotic education today organized by Department of Persian, University of Mumbai, Mumbai, Maharashtra on January 27, 2019
- Invited as Chief Guest organized by Poetry Club of GLA University, Mathura titled as "QAFILA, Kaviyon Ka", held on 12th March '19
- A program based on my book Amir Khusraw’s India (Tarkash with Akhlaq Ahan on Rajya Sabha TV on at 8:30 pm June 12, 2016; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bVUQQ1Gwj_8)
- Simultaneous translation and translation of the text for the Prime Minister of India’s Opening Speech at World Sufi Forum at Vigyan Bhavan, New Delhi, on March 17, 2016
- Invited as Guest poet by Supreme Leader of Iran in 2017,
- Invited as Guest scholar by President of Afghanistan in International Conference on Amir Ali Sher Nawai - 2016
- Invited as Guest scholar by President of Afghanistan in International Conference on Alberuni – 2018.
- Invited as Guest of Honor by Governor of Navai province of Uzbekistan in International Conference on Amir Ali Sher Nawai in 2019 besides many institutions of repute.
- Invited as Guest of Honor by Institute of Science and Literature, Baku, Azerbaijan in International Conference on Nasimi in 2017
- Associateship of Indian Institute of Advanced Studies, Shimla for the year since 2005
- 12 Episode titled as Sufiana kalam o mosiqi, talked on aspects of sufis and Sufism, 2012 for DD Urdu (to be aired)
- Formulated syllabus of M.A. (Comparative Literature) course titled “Indian Persian Literature” in August 2004 for Mahatma Gandhi International Hindi University, Wardha, Maharashtra.
- Listed among the leading Ghazal writers of Urdu after 1980 by “Iste’ara Quarterly, New Delhi in 2001.
- Editing Persian/Urdu Research works of Mobarizuddin Rifat with the support of Dr. Omar Khalidi of MIT, Boston, USA
- Revised the Persian text book of the Colleges/schools of Mauritius in 2011.
- Maktubat e Muhibullah Shah Allahabadi (ed.), India-Afghanistan Foundation, New Delhi, 2019
- Rumi and Silk Road, in the book titled “Silk Road”, ed. by Dr. Mehmet Bulut, Istanbul, Turkey, 2014
- Central Characteristics of Persian Verse and Poetry of Amir Khusrau and Mirza Bedil, in the book titled " Jashn e Amir Khusrau ", Aga Khan Trust, New Delhi, 2014
- Sahm-e-Iqbal Sepahri der Shenakhte Bedil der Iran(Persian), Danish Persian Quarterly, S. No. 110, Islamabad, summer 2014; ISSN: 1018-1873.
- Ghazal saray e Bedil, in the book titled “Der Maktab e Haqayeq”, ed. by Dr. Kazim Kahdui, Yazd, IRAN, 2016
- Tawawwurat e Tasawwuf der Sher e Bedil, Danish Persian Quarterly, Islamabad, No. 118, winter 2015, ISSN 1018-1873
- Ghalib and Aibak: Prof Nazir Ahmad ke hawale se, in the book titled “Farsi adab: azadi ke bad”, edited by Dr. Reza Haider, Delhi, 2016
- Bedil and Persian Poetry. Bedil seminar proceeding, Persian Research Institute, AMU, Aligarh.. 2017
- Amir Khusraw as Sufi. Sufism conference proceeding. Persian Research Institute, AMU, Aligarh. 2017
- Information and Newsletter during Akbar’s period, conference proceeding on Literature during Mughal period. Persian Research Institute, AMU, Aligarh. 2017
- Ali Shernovoi o moasheranesh, O’zbek Tili wa Adabiyoti Annual Journal, 2019, Art Academy of Uzbekistan Republic, Tashkent, ISSN: 2181542-9
- Sah’m e Iqbal der shenakht e Bedil der Iran, in the book titled “Bedil der Ayina e Ors”, edited by F. Babashahi, Tehran, IRAN, 2016
- Amir Khusraw’s Sufi poetry and its contemporary relevance, in the book titled “Sufism in India”, edited by Mehr F. Hussain, Manak, Delhi, IRAN, 2017
- Rawande taze der Farsi, Sher e Nau wa Sohrab Sepehri, ISBN 978-600-88373-33-9, Entesharate Midhat, Tehran, IRAN, 2018
- Hindustan MieN Farsi Sahafat Ki Tarikh (Criticism &research), Educational Publishing House, ISBN 81-8223-365-8, New Delhi, 2008.
- Namaz e Eshq (Persian poetry), Moassase farhangi e shayeran, Tehran, 978-622-96184-0-0, 2020
- Kharaabat (Urdu poetry), Matterlink Publishers, Lucknow,ISBN: 9-788196-235086, 2023
- Amir Khusraw’s India, Ravi Kumar Publications, ISBN 978887330578, Paris, FRANCE, 2014