School of Physical Sciences
Pradeep Kumar Rai
IIT, Patna
12 November, 2018, 4pm
Seminar Room, SPS
The Bogomolov multiplier of a nite group is dened as the subgroup of the Schur multiplier consisting of those cohomology classes which vanish after restriction to all abelian subgroups of the group. It represents an obstruction to Noether's problem on rationality of xed elds. In this talk we shall survey some results suggesting a connection between X-rigidity of a group, in the sense that all their class-preserving automorphisms are inner, and the Bogomolov multiplier. Then we shall present a recent work of ours where we have shown the existence of a group G with trivial Bogomolov multiplier such that the Bogomolov multiplier of a central product G*G is non-trivial.
This talk will be accessible to a wider audience.