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CSMCH Projects

CSMCH Projects

Research Projects undertaken by the Faculty
  1. Acharya, Sanghmitra S. "Reproductive Health among Scheduled Tribe Women" Illustrations from Obstetric Complications" (co-PI with Rajesh Raushan)
  2. Acharya, Sanghmitra S. Sanitation Workers and Issues of Health and Livelihoods sponsored by UGC 2019
  3. Baru, Rama V.  ‘Student mobility for higher education: The case of   Indian students studying medicine in China’ Project sanctioned by National Institute of Education, Planning and Administration, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India. In collaboration with Institute of Chinese Studies, Delhi. January to September 2019.
  4. Bisht, Ramila, (member) Transdisciplinary Research Cluster on Sustainability Studies (TRCSS), JNU, under UPOE 2.
  5. Bisht, Ramila, (Member),South Asian Sustainability Hub and Knowledge Network, Collaborative project of Trans-disciplinary Research Cluster on Sustainability Studies and the Global Consortium on Pathways to Sustainability, University of Sussex, U.K., funded by the ESRC, UK. (Coordinator Prof Ritupriya)
  6. Dasgupta, Rajib, Cohort Study of Children Exposed to Maternal HIV. Co-Principal Investigator. Indian Council of Medical Research. 2016-18.
  7. Dasgupta, Rajib, Integrated care of the small and sick neonate. Co-Principal Investigator. BIRAC, Department of Biotechnology, 2018-19.
  8. Dasgupta, Rajib, One Health Poultry Hub. Co-Principal Investigator. Co-Principal Investigator.  Global Challenges Research Fund - UK Research and Innovation. 2019-23.
  9. Dasgupta, Rajib, Optimal Mid-Upper Arm Circumference cut-off for discharge from community-based treatment programmes for Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) in children aged 6 to 59 months in India: a randomized controlled study. Principal Investigator. Medecins Sans Frontieres, India. 2017-19.
  10. Dasgupta, Rajib: Integrated nutrition, education and environmental interventions through networks of schools and anganwadis in India. 2017-19. Co-Principal Investigator. Medical Research Council UK. 2017-19.
  11. Dasgupta, Rajib: Malnutrition in Chakradharpur, West Singhbhum: An Anthropological study of Perceptions and Care Practices. Principal Investigator. Medecins Sans Frontieres, India. 2017-19.
  12. Guite N. and Sunita Reddy. Traditional healing practices and health care utilization among women and children: A study in four north eastern states; by ICSSR, 2018-2019.
  13. Guite N., Project on “Availability and Accessibility of Health Care Facility with special reference to the Hill Districts of Manipur”, funded by ICSSR (Ministry of Human Resource Development) under IMPRESS fund, New Delhi (Duration 2019 to 2021) with Dr. L T Sang Guite, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda as Project Director.
  14. Priya, Ritu, Coordinator, Trans-disciplinary Research Cluster on Sustainability Studies at JNU, founder member and coordinator since 2017-to date.
  15. Priya, Ritu, Mapping Forms of Integrative Health Sciences: An Interdisciplinary Study of Emergent Knowledge, Technology and Practice’, JNU support through funds for UPOE-UGC, 2014-2019.
  16. Reddy, Sunita, IGNCA project on ‘Folk and Tribal Healing Practices in Selected States of North East’.
  17. Reddy, Sunita, WVI project on Gender Based Child Abuse: A Study among the selected sites in Four North Indian States (completed).
  1. Acharya, Sanghmitra S. "Alcoholism, Mental Health, Domestic Violence and Coping Strategies of women in Delhi Slums, Rural Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and TelanganaFinding Tangible Solutions for Action” National Commission for Women. 2020.
  2. Bisht, Ramila, (member) Transdisciplinary Research Cluster on Sustainability Studies (TRCSS), JNU, under UPOE 2.
  3. Bisht, Ramila, (Member),South Asian Sustainability Hub and Knowledge Network, Collaborative project of Trans-disciplinary Research Cluster on Sustainability Studies and the Global Consortium on Pathways to Sustainability, University of Sussex, U.K., funded by the ESRC, UK. (Coordinator Prof. Ritupriya)
  4. British Academy.Inclusive Green Infrastructures for Urban Well-Being(Grant Reference:UWB190102)
  5. PI:Professor Fiona Marshall, University of Sussex. Co-Applicants: Professor Ramila Bisht, Jawaharlal Nehru University; Dr Shijun Ding, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law; Professor Ritu Priya, Jawaharlal Nehru University; Dr Novi Quadrianto, University of Sussex; Dr Jeremy Reffin, University of Sussex(Feb 2020 ongoing)
  6. Economic and Social Research Council.  Analysing the transnational provisioning of services in the social sector: the case of commercialisation of NHS services in China and India (Grant Reference: ES/S010920/1). Principal investigator - Professor Susan Fairley Murray, Kings College London. Co- applicants Brian Salter and Benjamin Hunter, Kings College London; Ramila Bisht (JNU), Yinhua Zhou, Sun Yat-Sen University, Zhongshan School of Medicine (Sept 2019 ongoing)
  7. Dasgupta, Rajib One Health Poultry Hub. Co-Principal Investigator. Co-Principal Investigator.  Global Challenges Research Fund - UK Research and Innovation. 2019-23.
  8. Dasgupta, Rajib, Antimicrobial Resistance and Labour Migration across Healthcare Borders in Northern South Asia. Co-Investigator. Novo Nordisk Foundation. 2020-21.
  9. Dasgupta, Rajib, COVID-19 Vaccine Access in India Program. Co-Investigator. IAVI India, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. 2022-24.
  10. Dasgupta, Rajib, Developing Community-Led Solutions to Antimicrobial Resistance: Building a One Health Approach in Low and Middle Income Countries. Co-Investigator. UKRI Challenge Cluster Grant. 2020-21.
  11. Guite, N. Project on “Availability and Accessibility of Health Care Facility with special reference to the Hill Districts of Manipur”, funded by ICSSR (Ministry of Human Resource Development) under IMPRESS fund, New Delhi (Duration 2019 to 2021) with Dr. L T Sang Guite, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda as Project Director.
  12. Guite,N. Project on “Traditional Healing Practices and Health care Utilization among Mother and Children: A study of four Northeastern States”, funded by ICSSR (Ministry of Human Resource Development), New Delhi as Project Director and Dr. Sunita Reddy as Co-director (final report to be submitted).
  13. Priya, Ritu, Co-Investigator, Inclusive Green Infrastructure and Urban Wellbeing, a project in collaboration with University of Sussex, lead by PI Fiona Marshall.
  14. Priya, Ritu, Director, South Asia Sustainability Hub and Knowledge Network. 2017-on-going.
  15. Priya, Ritu, Member, Trans-disciplinary Research Innovation Cluster on Plural Health Care: Knowledge, Technology, Practice and Policy at JNU. 2014-ongoing.
  16. Priya, Ritu, Principal Coordinator, Trans-disciplinary Research Innovation Cluster on Sustainability Studies at JNU. 2017-on-going.
  17. Reddy, Sunita Ensuring Social and Economic Entitlements for the Migrant Women in Construction and Domestic Work. 7th March 2020 Supported by National Commission for Women.
  18. Reddy, Sunita ICSSR project on “Traditional Healing Practices and Health Care Utilization among Women and Children: A Study in Four North Eastern States”.
  19. Reddy, Sunita IGNCA project on ‘Folk and Tribal Healing Practices in Selected States of North East’.
  20. Reddy, Sunita- IMPRESS project- ICSSR ‘Demand of Desired Babies and Supply of Surrogates, Sperms and Eggs: A multi cited study of Gamete Banks in India and its Policy Implications’ 2019- 2021.
  21. Reddy, Sunita WVI project on Gender Based Child Abuse: A Study among the selected sites in Four North Indian States. (Completed).
  22. WHO, APO (Asia Pacific Organisation) on Health systems and Policies. Integration of Health Services for Older Persons in the Urban Context: An Analysis of Practices in Select Countries in the Asia-Pacific Region’, Prof. Rama V. Baru, Professor, CSMCH, JNU (PI), Prof. Ramila Bisht, Professor, CSMCH, JNU, Dr. Madhurima Nundy, Fellow, ICS; Prof. Jin Chunlin, Director, Shanghai Health Development Research Centre (SHDRC), Dr. Lin Hai, Research Associate, SHDRC; and Dr. Alex Jingwei He, Department of Asian and Policy Studies, Education University of Hong Kong. March 2020 to March 2021.
  1. Acharya, Sanghmitra S. Domestic Violence, Alcoholism and Mental health of Women- An Analysis in selected Cities of Delhi, Hyderabad, Jaipur and Lucknow. Supported by NCW.
  2. Dasgupta, Rajib Antimicrobial Resistance and Labour Migration across Healthcare Borders in Northern South Asia. Co-Investigator. Novo Nordisk Foundation. 2020-21.
  3. Dasgupta, Rajib COVID-19 Vaccine Access in India Program. Co-Investigator. IAVI India, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. 2022-24.
  4. Dasgupta, Rajib Developing Community-Led Solutions to Antimicrobial Resistance: Building a One Health Approach in Low and Middle Income Countries. Co-Investigator. UKRI Challenge Cluster Grant. 2020-21.
  5. Dasgupta, Rajib One Health Poultry Hub. Co-Principal Investigator. Co-Principal Investigator.  Global Challenges Research Fund - UK Research and Innovation. 2019-23.
  6. Ghodajkar, P. Digital platforms for disease surveillance and control: Best practice case studies from Asia (DMgtAsia). It collaborative project withDepartment of Informatics at University of Oslo, Norway along with other institutions like BITS Hyderabad, Department of Biological Sciences [IN], Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute of Medical Science and Technology [IN], KAIST, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology [KR], Society for Health Information Systems Programmes [HISP IN], SHE-Health Education [SHE-UiO]
  7. Guite, N. Awarded as Project Director in the research project titled, Mapping And Assessing The Social Networks Of AYUSH Practitioners In Public Health Delivery System, by ICSSR Research Programme under the Research Project Scheme of the ICSSR, March 2022.
  8. Guite, N. Submitted the research project titled “Traditional Healing Practices and Health care Utilization Among Mother and Children: A study of four Northeastern States”, funded by ICSSR (Ministry of Human Resource Development), New Delhi in August 2021, as Project Director and Dr. Sunita Reddy as Co-Director.
  9. Priya, Ritu Erasmus Exchange Programme with Health Studies Unit, University of Tampere, Finland.
  10. Priya, Ritu Inclusive Green Infrastructure and Urban Wellbeing, CO-PI with Prof. Fiona Marshall, University of Sussex as PI. Funded by the British Academy.
  11. Priya, Ritu Lead member of the non-funded study ‘Health Seeking Behaviour and Experience of the Lockdown among the Indian Urban Middle Class in Early Phase of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Survey across Ten Cities’  by the Holistic Health Systems Research Network,  March 2020-October 2021.
  12. Priya, Ritu Principal Coordinator of the ‘Trans-disciplinary Research Cluster on Sustainability Studies’, in collaboration with CSSP, CSRD, CSISLS/SSS/JNU and the STEPS Centre, University of Sussex. Funded by ESRC, UK.
  1. Acharya, Sanghmitra S. Domestic Violence, Alcoholism and Mental health of Women-An Analysis in selected Cities of Delhi, Hyderabad, Jaipur and Lucknow. Supported by NCW.
  2. Baru, Rama V. lead and PI of India- China Consortium.
  3. Baru, Rama V.Public_Private Mix in health services and social care for older persons. Asia Pacific Observatory, World Health Organisation, SEARO, New Delhi 2022-2023
  4. Dasgupta, Rajib One Health Poultry Hub. Co-Principal Investigator. Co-Principal Investigator.  Global Challenges Research Fund - UK Research and Innovation. 2019-23.
  5. Dasgupta, Rajib COVID-19 Vaccine Access in India Program. Co-Investigator. IAVI India, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, 2022-24.
  6. Ghodajkar, P Digital platforms for disease surveillance and control: Best practice case studies from Asia (DMgtAsia). It collaborative project withDepartment of Informatics at University of Oslo, Norway along with other institutions like BITS Hyderabad, Department of Biological Sciences [IN], Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute of Medical Science and Technology [IN], KAIST, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology [KR], Society for Health Information Systems Programmes [HISP IN], SHE-Health Education [SHE-UiO]
  7. Guite, N Awarded as Project Director in the research project titled, Mapping and Assessing The Social Networkds Of AYUSH Practioners In Public Health Delivery System, by ICSSR Research Programme under the Research Project Scheme of the ICSSR, March 2022.
  8. Guite, N Consultancy project awarded to conduct Impact Assessment of completed CSR projects of PowerGrid Corporation on “Setting up of Oxygen Plant in District Hospitals of Jaisalmer, Rajasthan and District Hospital of Tau Devi Lal Stadium, Gurugram, Haryana, February to June 2023.
  9. Priya, Ritu Inclusive Green Infrastructure and Urban Wellbeing, CO-PI with Prof. Fiona Marshall, University of Sussex as PI. Funded by the British Academy.
  10. Priya, Ritu Principal Coordinator of the ‘Trans-disciplinary Research Cluster on Sustainability Studies’, in collaboration with CSSP, CSRD, CSISLS/SSS/JNU and the STEPS Centre, University of Sussex. Funded by ESRC, UK.
  11. Priya, Ritu Erasmus Exchange Programme with Health Studies Unit, University of Tampere, Finland.
  12. Priya, Ritu Inclusive Green Infrastructure and Urban Wellbeing, CO-PI with Prof. Fiona Marshall, University of Sussex as PI, and Ramila Bisht in JNU. Funded by the British Academy. 2019-2022.
  13. Reddy, Sunita Risk, Vulnerability and Safety of Marginalized Children: Child protection and child rights in Delhi (NCR) - funded by ICSSR.

A warm welcome to the modified and updated website of the Centre for East Asian Studies. The East Asian region has been at the forefront of several path-breaking changes since 1970s beginning with the redefining the development architecture with its State-led development model besides emerging as a major region in the global politics and a key hub of the sophisticated technologies. The Centre is one of the thirteen Centres of the School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi that provides a holistic understanding of the region.

Initially, established as a Centre for Chinese and Japanese Studies, it subsequently grew to include Korean Studies as well. At present there are eight faculty members in the Centre. Several distinguished faculty who have now retired include the late Prof. Gargi Dutt, Prof. P.A.N. Murthy, Prof. G.P. Deshpande, Dr. Nranarayan Das, Prof. R.R. Krishnan and Prof. K.V. Kesavan. Besides, Dr. Madhu Bhalla served at the Centre in Chinese Studies Programme during 1994-2006. In addition, Ms. Kamlesh Jain and Dr. M. M. Kunju served the Centre as the Documentation Officers in Chinese and Japanese Studies respectively.

The academic curriculum covers both modern and contemporary facets of East Asia as each scholar specializes in an area of his/her interest in the region. The integrated course involves two semesters of classes at the M. Phil programme and a dissertation for the M. Phil and a thesis for Ph. D programme respectively. The central objective is to impart an interdisciplinary knowledge and understanding of history, foreign policy, government and politics, society and culture and political economy of the respective areas. Students can explore new and emerging themes such as East Asian regionalism, the evolving East Asian Community, the rise of China, resurgence of Japan and the prospects for reunification of the Korean peninsula. Additionally, the Centre lays great emphasis on the building of language skills. The background of scholars includes mostly from the social science disciplines; History, Political Science, Economics, Sociology, International Relations and language.

Several students of the centre have been recipients of prestigious research fellowships awarded by Japan Foundation, Mombusho (Ministry of Education, Government of Japan), Saburo Okita Memorial Fellowship, Nippon Foundation, Korea Foundation, Nehru Memorial Fellowship, and Fellowship from the Chinese and Taiwanese Governments. Besides, students from Japan receive fellowship from the Indian Council of Cultural Relations.

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