SPS Seminar (Online)
School of Physical Sciences
Jawaharlal Nehru University
Title: Visualizing Ultrafast Molecular Processes Using 2D IR Spectroscopy
Speaker: Sayan Bagchi
Physical and Materials Chemistry Division, NCL Pune
Date: 11 Augusty 2021 (Wednesday) Time: 4:00 PM
Zoom Meeting ID: 997 7689 0577, Passcode: CS@SPS
Abstract : Two-dimensional infrared (IR) spectroscopy, with sub 100 fs time resolution, allows us to visualize several ultrafast molecular processes like hydrogen-bond making and breaking, structural fluctuations, conformational changes, transient solute-solvent interactions, etc. As most molecules, ranging from small molecules to proteins and nanocrystals, have bond-specific IR signatures, this method is applicable to a variety of problems stemming from chemistry, materials, and biology. In my talk, I will present an overview of 2D IR spectroscopy, followed by several applications from different fields of science.
Group Webpage: http://academic.ncl.res.in/s.bagchi
Email: s.bagchi@ncl.res.in