Jawaharlal Nehru University
Stagnation in manufacturing and delinking of growth and employment has been a major concern in the context of industrialising India. Policy debates in the past three decades have been confined to binaries such as public versus private, manufacturing versus services, production versus finance or inward versus outward looking strategies. These are important choices in strategizing industrialisation. Contours of Value Capture highlights how these immediate choices are influenced by class process of accumulation. It foregrounds ‘value capture’ as the critical concept in analysing accumulation in the realm of production and finance articulated through exploitation, expropriation and exclusion. It takes capital as an integral relation and aims to analyse the complex causal relationship between apparently disparate trends such as stagnation in productive investment, rising financial profits, declining share of wages, informality, self-employment and dispossession. This book sees power and hegemonic discourse as constitutive of the world of production and finance realised through hierarchies of capital and architecture of institutions. These norms and institutions normalise expropriation and legitimise exclusion. The book discusses how power and profit explains the making and unmaking of the neoliberal path of industrialisation in India.
Contours of Value Capture: India’s Neoliberal Path of Industrial Development
with the author
Dr. Satyaki Roy
Associate Professor, Institute for Studies in Industrial Development, New Delhi
and the discussant
Dr. Chirashree Dasgupta
Associate Professor, Centre for the Study of Law and Governance,
Jawaharlal Nehru University
3.00 PM, Friday, 22 January 2021
The Seminar will be held online via Zoom
The Zoom link for the seminar is: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86739996571?pwd=V1RDZXBXU204cFIzZVFVKytrbFUwQT09