2nd September 2019
Applications are invited for the following post for a period of one year:
Research Associate: One
Research Project: “Promoting citizen science for creation of a phenology network to track climate change and plant invasions (TPN29104)”.
Essential qualifications: Ph.D./M.Sc. in Environmental Sciences with four years research experience and practical knowledge of plant ecology.
Desirable qualifications: Field experience in forest sites and willing to visit remote forest sites regularly during the project tenure.
Emoluments: @ Rs. 36,000/ p.m. for one year.
Applications with complete bio-data with latest photograph along-with attested photocopy of supporting documents should reach the undersigned latest by 15th September, 2019.
Candidates must provide email address. Short listed candidates will be informed for interview via email. No TA/DA will be given for attending interview.
(S.C. Garkoti)
School of Environmental Sciences,
Jawaharalal Nehru University, New Delhi - 110067