International Law, International Trade Law, Intellectual Property Rights, International Settlement of Disputes
Legal Officer, Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization (AALCO) from 1990 to 1996;
Legal Officer, Legal & Treaties Division, Ministry of External Affairs from 1997 to 2004;
Associate Professor, Centre for International Legal Studies, SIS, JNU from 2004 to 2010;
Associate Professor and Associate Dean, Faculty of Legal Studies, South Asian University (2016)
ICCR Chair Visiting Professor for Contemporary Indian Studies, KU Leuven (Belgium) 2016-2017;
Visiting Fellow, Warwick University (2010);
Member, Editorial Committee, Asian Yearbook of International Law;
Member, Editorial Committee, Indian Journal of International Law;
Member & Treasurer, Executive Council, Indian Society of International Law;
Member, Executive Council, Asian Society of International Law
FRAME (Fostering Human Rights Among European Policies) – Large Scale European Union Project – in collaboration with Indian Society of International Law (Co-ordinated by University of Leuven, Belgium with 15 partner institutions around the globe) 2013 to 2017;
Fellowship (2012-2015) for the study of “International Waters Cooperation: Catalytic Support to Advanced, Interdisciplinary Capacity Development and Partnerships” – implemented by Tsinghua University and Yunnan University (China) which included a study tour of United States (on Colorado River) and presentations in China. (funded by Department for International Development (DIFD): United Kingdom);
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Impact of Nationality Laws on Statelessness in South Asia (2008).
Hegde V.G. “Contemporary Indian International Legal Perspectives” in ICSSR Research Survey and Explorations in Political Science, (Volume 4) India Engages the World Edited by Navnita Chadha Behera (2013:Oxford University Press), pp. 421-475; ISBN No. 0-19-808540-0.
Hegde V. G. “International Law on River Water Sharing and India” in Ishwara Bhat (Editor) Inter-State & International Water Disputes, (2013: Eastern Book Company: The West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences) pp.93-119; ISBN 93-5028-980-6
Hegde V.G, “Indian Courts and International Law” Leiden Journal of International Law, 23 (2010), pp.53-77; ISSN 0922-1565.
Hegde V.G. (2007), “Intellectual Property Rights and African-Asian States” in Fifty Years of AALCO: Commemorative Essays in International Law (Asian African Legal Consultative Organization (AALCO): New Delhi), pp.124-147; ISBN: 81-902886-4-4.
Hegde V.G. (2005), “ India and International Patent System” in Bimal Patel (ed) India and International Law, (Martinus Nijhoff:Leiden/Boston) pp.93-116: ISBN 90-04-14519-2.
Hegde V.G., “Unrecognized Vulnerability? Migration and Statelessness in South Asia, with a special focus on the Indian treatment of intra-Asian refugee flows” in The Protection of Vulnerable Individuals in the context of European Policies on Border Checks, Asylum and Immigration for Frame Collaborative Project (Fostering Human Rights among European Policies), Abo Akademi University, University of Deusto, Indian Society of International Law, University College of Dublin and University of Leuven, 2016; http://www.fp7-frame.eu pp. 207-227;
Hegde V.G., “Gaps and Deviances in the human rights protection system in the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation” in The Global Human Rights Protection Governance System for Collaborative Project (Fostering Human Rights among European Policies), Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Human Rights, University of Leuven and Indian Society of International Law, January 2015; http://www.fp7-frame.eu pp.221-236;
Hegde V.G. “India and International Settlement of Disputes” Indian Journal of International Law, March 2016, Vol.56, Issue 1, pp. 1-40.