Zakir Husain Centre for Educational Studies
School of Social Sciences
ZHCES Seminar Series
TOPIC: Longitudinal analysis of early years education in rural India
SPEAKER: Dr Benjamin Alcott
Lecturer, University College London
Institute of Education
About the Speaker: Dr Benjamin Alcott is a Lecturer at the UCL (University College London) Institute of Education. His interests include education policy (especially in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa), the economics of education, econometrics and mixed methods research designs.
Abstract: A growing evidence base highlights the value of high-quality early childhood education (ECE) to children’s cognitive and social development. However, far less is known about how families and children, especially in developing countries, participate in ECE or how these participation patterns reflect families’ thinking and decision-making. This paper utilises a mixed-methods approach to analyse longitudinal household survey and interview data (on 7,336 and 180 children, respectively) from the India Early Childhood Education Impact study. Our results indicate that children’s participation trajectories in the early years (age 4 to 8) do not reflect the age or grade norms specified by national educational policies. And, far from being linear, children’s educational pathways entail considerable back and forth between home, preschool and school.
DATE: 18th February, 2020 (Tuesday)
TIME: 2:30 pm
(All Welcome)