SPS Journal Club
Title: Recent advances in cryoelectron microscopy based structural analysis
Date : 16th Nov (Thursday)
Time : 5 PM
Venue : Seminar Room, SPS, JNU
Speaker: Dr. Manidipa Banerjee,
Associate Professor, Kusuma School of Biological Sciences, IIT– Delhi
Abstract: The last few years has seen unprecedented progress in the field of cryoelectron microscopy and image processing, with the resolution and size barriers being broken. Central to these efforts has been the development of equipment and methods such as direct electron detector, phase pate and in-column filters, in addition to the availability of powerful microscopes and better algorithms for data collection and processing. Currently, cryoelectron microscopy can routinely generate detailed structural information of proteins at resolutions of 2 - 3 Å, which was previously possible only through X-ray crystallography. In addition, although cryoEM was previously applicable for larger proteins complexes exclusively, high resolution structure of biomolecules less than 100 KD are frequently being resolved. Since cryoEM based structural analysis requires significantly less sample and time compared to other structural biology methods, it is expected to revolutionize the field of structural biology and forever alter the landscape of structure-based drug design. The current scenario international and national scenarios, in context of the recent Nobel prize, will be discussed.