Second Upper Indus Basin Network-Indian Chapter Workshop
Strengthening science and socio-economic linkages
13 December 2019, New Delhi, India
Organizers: JNU and ICIMOD
Venue: JNU Convention Center (108 Committee Room)
The upper Indus basin covers regions of Afghanistan, China, India and Pakistan. Due to climate change and related impacts these regions have issues related to water stress, agriculture, etc. The basin is comprised of distinct riparian regions which are being impacted impact due to a combination of global-regional-local factors that will have a distinct mark on the basin countries and their respective development agendas.
The UIBN (Upper Indus Basin Network), with its six thematic working groups under specific country chapters – the Upper Indus Basin Network India Chapter (UIBN-IC) - works to promote collaboration among institutions such as, academia, research organisations, development agencies and other expert groups to understand issues related to a wide range of issues ranging from climate change, water availability, disasters to sustainability. This collaborative platform will work to address cross-cutting understanding, regional challenges and foster coordination among researchers working in the UIB region.
Objective and the workshop
The first UIBN-IC focused on largely identifying key research areas for each of the six respective working groups. The groups deliberated on possible research outputs and presented each respective working group’s proposed research structure followed by a plan to integrate research activities among the six groups to support cohesive collaboration within the chapter. To take these discussions further, and to stocktake on the progress of each of the working groups, a second workshop has been co-organized by JNU and the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD).
The core objective is to discuss the progress of flagship research being carried out by UIBN-IC members, and find means of integrating interdisciplinary through the social sciences into the proposed objectives.