School of Environmental Sciences
09 December 2019 ( 3.30 – 5.30 PM)
in School of Environmental Sciences
Dr Sathrugnan and Dr Ichi Watanabe
Abstract: With increasing alarm about the amount of plastic materials present in the world’s oceans waterways, and human food chain. Microplastics are an issue of real environmental and societal concern globally. These microplastics are filling the seas and working their way in creatures. This means, ocean microplastics are entering our food chain and finally to our bodies. Similarly, there are reports, detecting microplastics in bottled water, canned food and indoor air dust. This is a widespread problem in microplastics research that makes it hard or impossible to compare studies. It is mainly because we don’t have any good method yet to analyze microplastics in different matrices. In this talk, we will present an overview of microplastic problem globally, our understanding on its impact and challenges in their analysis. The analytical solution will be major focus of this seminar.
Dr Sathrugnan received his PhD in chemistry from CUSAT and did his post doctoral research in USA and Japan before moving to Singapore. He has more than 15 years of experience in Environmental and Food Safety research. Currently, He is working as Technical Manager at Frontier Laboratories (Japan) and based in Singapore.
Dr Ichi Watanabe is VP, Global Marketing of Frontier Laboratories. He received his PhD from Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan. He has strong experience of Polymer analysis with PYGCMS as well as Tandem micro reactor for catalyst screening and pyrolysis research