Invites you to a Seminar on
The Making of Modern India: ‘Development’ and the Invisibility of ‘Loss’
Moushumi Basu
(Associate Professor, CIPOD, School of International Studies, JNU)
Abstract: Development like any other sphere of public life is open to diverse interpretations and contestations. As a project that lays claims to unleashing individual choices and freedom, discourses on development are intrinsically political, embedded in the power relations that exist in each society. Complexities of social relations (class, caste, race, gender) influence the way production relations are structured, giving rise to different expectations regarding development. The presentation being made focusses on the different types of “loss”, both personal and collective, that go relatively unacknowledged in the development narratives that seek to tell the story of the making of modern India. It explicitly focuses on the story of three villages associated with landmark “moments of national pride”, made invisible in the narratives that celebrate such developments.
Date: 13th November 2018, Tuesday, Time: 3 PM to 5 PM
Venue: CWS, Committee Room No.324, Third Floor, SSS-1
All Are Welcome