Event From Date:
Thursday, 14 March 2019
Event End Date:
Friday, 26 April 2019
Event Title:
CP organises a lecture series on Tantra and Aesthetics
Event Details:
Lecture Series on Tantra and aesthetics
by Prof.Sreenivasa Murthy
Organized by the Centre for Philosophy
School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University
Venue: Room No. 234, 2nd Floor, SSS-I
Lecture 1: 14th March 2029, 4 p.m.
Introduction to Tantra and aesthetics
Lecture2: 27th March 2019, 4 p.m.
Concept of Shakti in Tantra and Art. The creative force, Prakruti
Lecture3: 29th March 2019. 4 p.m.
Understanding and creating experience in yoga and Art. Authenticity of YogikaPratyaksha and Pratibha.
Lecture 4: 5th April 2019. 4 p.m.
Rasa and Rasaanubhava. The concept of Saadharanikarana and sublimation of personal experience.
Lecture 5: 12th April 2019. 4 p.m.
Different kinds of Tantra like left and Right; Kaula and samaya and the social practices.
Lecture 6: 16th April 2019. 4 p.m.
Tantra and shastras on Grammar, poetics.
Lecture 7: 24th April 2019, 4 p.m.
Tantra and performing arts with special reference to Natya shastra.
Lecture 8: 26th April, 2019, 4 p.m.
Yantra, Tantra and Mantra with special reference to Srividya and Saundaryalahari